Why does meeting your twin flame make you feel you’re losing your mind?
The twin flame experience is so intense.
It is such a powerful love experience. It is as if you have entered an alternate reality. When the twin flame encounter happens, it’s like you’ve never felt love before.
Then, after a while, like an endless dream, the chakras open, especially the heart chakra. Any other love you have felt is nothing in comparison!
You let go of toxic people and you become more clear about who deserves to be in your life. And you stop worrying about things that used to be important but no longer are. You stop investing your time in certain things and certain people.
Your twin flame is the most important thing in the universe, it occupies all your thoughts.
Your heart chakra is more open than ever and the connection between your two hearts is endless. It’s love that makes you cry where you are, crossing the street, driving, meeting a client, you burst into tears out of nowhere as you yearn intensely for that person. It’s like you don’t care about anything but that person you just met.
Then you will think of yourself:
What is happening? Why can’t I get out of this? You feel weak and dizzy but mystically happy, at the same time, it is such a strange feeling! You are on this magnificent celestial peak! You don’t care about anything else! No matter your experience, your age, or what you’ve been through, you’ve experienced nothing like this before! You are indeed living in another dimension.
Then you research about crazy intense love out of nowhere until you find the term:” TWIN FLAME “
And from here, your twin flame journey begins!
Know that you are a twin flame, you have a big responsibility and a big purpose… you have chosen this… and you can do it! Be ready for work!
Now is the time to raise your vibration, learn the lessons your twin is teaching you, become a better person, and ascend to a higher frequency. Remember who you are and what you came here to do.