Your Twin Flame reflects YOUR ENERGY
TWIN FLAMES are energetic, not mental, not physical.
Your Twin Flame reflects YOUR ENERGY! That’s why you can’t focus on them, because you’re reacting to the mirror.
This matters to your Spiritual Ascension and how to get out of the energy based on the Fear of Duality.
As you ascend and align with your soul, it will slowly feel like both at the same time. Your Twin Flame is going to seem to love you and dislike you at the same time. The ascension will take place when you have a spiritual breakthrough and your twin responds, it will be an extreme response. They want to be with you when you start your Ascension, it’s like they are going crazy for you.
When they run, it’s extreme, and they go fast.
As you do the inner work and align with your soul, it’s not extreme, it gets subtle. It will give the impression that they love you and that it is not a passion. The energy of Duality is being neutralized. You go into soul energy, and once you go into soul energy, duality is gone! It’s you! No DUALITY. There is no they love you or they don’t! Duality is an illusion. You are at 5D!
What is the soul?
The soul is formless, timeless, eternal energy, and only in the present moment. You are that energy! Your twin reflects your energy. Don’t focus on their personality, don’t believe what they say, do, think, or feel. You are not, as well, going to believe what you say, do, think or feel. This is the ascension! You separate your mental energy from the soul. You are the soul only.
Until you reach your identity of SOUL which, again, has no form.
Your Twin will reflect your exact energy. If they have an energy based on fears of duality, that is your energy. If they are excited and trying to be with you, and have romantic or sexual energy, that’s your energy based on mental duality. That means you have more work to do.
Your twin flame is in 5D and above, it is actually you the soul. You are both the same soul. You will slowly come into 5D and slowly see the world differently as the 3D energy fades, you stop seeing the world as conscious 3D reality.
How do you know where you are in your Ascension?
Your Twin Flame will reflect exactly where your energy is. If your Twin Flame has even a little energy of duality, that’s your energy, and you have more work to do.
If your twin flame is present in your life, then much of the 3D fears energy has been cleared from your soul energy field. When your twin comes to you, they will be with you, an energy, like, 100 times more powerful than anything you have ever experienced. They will extract even the smallest amount of 3D energy based on duality from you. They will set you off! Every time, they trigger you; you pull out that kind of energy. They show you that you still need to do more inner work.
You feel triggered. You have pain. What should you do ?
As soon as you are triggered, walk away! Go home, and meditate immediately.
It’s going to take a long time before you can be in a permanent relationship with them. Your twin flame draws the energy of fear from you. You are triggered. This is not the right time to overthink about your twin flame connection. This will only feed your mental energy of fears. You are triggered, then you can simply consider it as where you are in your Ascension.
Your Twin Flame is peace, unconditional and different love!
The mind games are over. You no longer send your mind energy of duality to your twin.
To see your twin flame in 5D is the absence of 3D energy. They transmuted your 3D energy into 5D consciousness. You go out into nature, and you don’t see any trees. It’s like being, you just see things moving and it’s perfect. You don’t judge things when you go out, so you just see them for what they are. When people are talking around you, all you are aware of is that people are talking around you, and that’s it. You don’t judge them. You don’t listen to their conversation, you just listen to them as noise, that they make noise and it sounds natural.