8 tips for people who are just starting the twin flame journey.
What is your deepest intention?
In fact, it’s not so much about what you do, but what intention you do it with. And that’s a learning theme for the whole collective right now.
As an example, you can clean your house with a smile on your face and make it a joy, or you can clean your house from a place of obligation and resentment.
So, to give you a practical answer: If you feel your relationship with your Twin Flame is out of balance, here are a few things you can do to fix it:
1. Aim for the change.
Adjust your mindset and intention, as this will shift your energy field to invite more help. If you need to take a break, please do so.
Take the time to focus on yourself. At least set that intention when and if you do the twin flame work, you do it for yourself.
The “martyrdom syndrome” of many human beings only serves to reinforce the negatives. Those who give and never get back, it is because of energetic intention, a biased pattern.
Giving from a place of joy, or loving from a place of joy, will never lead to resentment. Giving and loving from a place of abundance allows you to receive back.
2. Don’t forget to ask for help
Be sure to ask your Twin Flame’s Higher Self to step in, to assist you in your inner work to clear your energies and come back together. Often they are just waiting for you to ask.
3. Have confidence in the balance.
Let go of polarity and separation awareness, know that the universe seeks balance, and as long as you open up, you will receive the help and support you need and want.
Even if your Twin Flame is not yet ready, know that the universe will relieve you of the pressure of feeling alone. Help and support will come.
4. Look at your inner child
Have you always been the giver, never the receiver? Have you always worked hard while others let you do all the work? These patterns of imbalance often date back to childhood.
Meditate on your inner child and ask him how he feels. You might realize that it is an energy imbalance that you can release and resolve once you become aware of it. And once you release the pattern, you clear the energetic impasse that has kept you from receiving the help you desire.
As long as you believe you are alone, unfortunately, this is the signal you send and receive more and more. Sometimes people block the inflow because their energy field is anchored in this pattern.
5. Embrace unity
Remember that you and your Twin Flame are one. Awareness of polarity and separation is a foundational pattern that the Twin Flames have chosen to experience in order to understand the human experience, move beyond it, and uplift the planet in love.
You and your Twin Flame are one, know that it is the human belief system that has been ingrained within you that causes you and so many other twin flames to focus on the differences, the disagreements, the difficulties. As you are One, you always help each other.
6. Try to look more than ‘on the surface’.
Know that the Twin Flame connection is above all metaphysical. Your earthly experiences are only a fraction of what is actually happening.
In the background, your Twin Flame assists you every step of the way, preparing and building timelines for you to come together, creating the astral spaces where you meet in dreams, creating the connections that bring you the information to meet in the physical…
Things are not as they seem from the outside. Even the most unenlightened human beings are involved in parallel soul plane activities.
7. Embrace the power of choice.
You always have a choice. No one will force anything on you. You are allowed to choose for yourself. Once you step into this truth, any ascension work you do will come from a different perspective. A different intention.
Every time you choose to do something in life from this moment on – whether it’s pleasurable or not – affirm to yourself “I choose to do this”. “It’s my choice”.
You are now sending out a completely different energy signal, you are now subverting stress and striving for empowerment. It really is so simple and energetic.
8. Know your true mission
You may have been told that you had a mission on Earth as a Twin Flame or Lightworker. It can add more pressure feeling. So remember this once and for all, your mission is to be as much you can, joyful and happy.
Because when you radiate your light, when you shine with joy, your light and energy uplifts everyone around you. You are truly happy; you follow your happiness – that is the key.
The higher realms will never ask you to do anything that distracts you from your happiness. Keep this in mind. The “mission” is just to be you, thankfully.
You can help positively by simply being you. This is how you radiate a light that helps everyone around you, without you having to physically lift a finger. This is the truth of “mission”, the joy of it.
Remember to invite your spiritual guides to assist you on your journey, they need your free will permission to fully assist you. Write your request on a note and allow them to intervene. You are still a co-creator on this journey and can take action to clear your energy, resolve negative issues, and uplift yourself.