How do you know if you have met your Twin Flame?
Meeting in strange and fortuitous circumstances
Feeling like you’ve known this person for a long time.
Feeling like you’re “on the same page” completely, more than anyone you’ve ever met.
Feeling like you know this person intimately even though you just met.
A feeling of total acceptance as a person, regardless of their life circumstances or behavior (Living the Unconditional Love).
You feel safe with them, to be your innermost self.
Intense eye contact.
Similarities or complementary traits.
A feeling of having a secret world together.
Feeling that your lives have developed in parallel.
Mirroring each other.
Experience physical symptoms such as heart palpitations when you are together.
An increase or appearance of intuitive/psychic abilities that you may never have had before, such as telepathy.
Encounter in dreams and astral experiences.
Feeling the emotions of the other and even mirroring the physical symptoms of pain or excitement.
Being able to feel their energy with you even when you are apart.
Signs such as 11:11 frequently, especially just before and after the meeting – this is a sign that you are “awakening” to your eternal soul, triggered to remember. Spirit guides also use 11:11 as a trigger for you to remember your Twin Flame, indicating that a certain person you have wondered about is indeed your Twin.

Do you feel your twin flame?
The Twin Flame connection is something you will feel with your whole being.
You know your Twin Flame when you connect with them. Their energy will resonate with yours to a point where there is no doubt as to the truth of the connection. No other connection is as deep and changing as the resurgent bond between the Twin Flames.
However, most of us live in a society that encourages logical thinking, and most of us have learned to live life from a mental perspective where our minds are in charge, so it can become a challenge. The soul is true and resonates.
Letting your mind assess whether or not you have met your true Twin Flame can be frustrating and very difficult. Instead, try to calm your mind and see from a place of feeling. Your intuition knows.
You are never apart
Remember that your Twin Flame is never truly separate from you – you are of a perfectly identical energy signature and connected as souls. Therefore, you can sense your twins’ feelings or hear their thoughts telepathically. You are automatically “tuned” to their etheric channel as they are too, because you are the same thing. The universe is an energy that vibrates and oscillates at different frequencies and wavelengths.
That’s why there is no separation.
One of the biggest lessons that Twin Flames all over the planet are learning right now is that separation is an illusion. On the energetic planes, there is no separation, time and space do not exist as we perceive them in the material world. You and your Twin Flame are one. Much of the suffering between twins stems from this pervasive illusion of separation. Once you have learned the lesson of inner unity and cleared energetic and emotional blockages in order to feel and truly live this truth in your life and with your Twin flame, you will be ready to let go of so many more difficult lessons on the twin flame journey.