How past experiences affect the Journey of Twin Flame

Karma is an important part of the Twin Flame Connection. Twin Flames share a karmic field and a collective energy field.

The lives of many Twin Flames for this reason seem to develop parallel to each other, with commonalities and experiences reflected because they have a karmic and energetic impact on each other.

As you and your Twin Flame may have experienced shared trauma on Earth in the past, there is also a possibility that you are cordially connected to each other in the lower vibrations.

It is something that would be beneficial if you work on it in order to clear it.

For example, you may have strings of fear between you because of the separation.

These negative cords will always be hidden somewhere in your subconscious, even if you have not experienced such a situation in your current life.

Negative cords like this need to be cleared for both of you to ascend into higher energy vibrations and experience increased harmony. And this is absolutely essential in preparing for Twin Flame Union.

If they are not cleared, it is highly likely that repeated cycles of Running and separation will occur – as your souls push for resolving these triggers.

Finally, we all have many soul mates but only one Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame is your identical energy equivalent or identical mirror soul. Someone who shares your exact base identity as consciousness.

It means, energetically, that you are in perfect alignment on the most intimate level – you may be living in two human bodies, but your souls are two parts of the same whole.

Soulmates are those who share a similar energetic resonance with us. Soul mates meet often so that they learn from each other and grow as souls. Our Twin Flame, however, is the only other being in the universe who shares the exact same frequency as us.

With our Twin Flame, we are in an accelerated love-centered learning experience. We continually touch ourselves, automatically pushing ourselves to learn, to heal old wounds, and to resolve inner issues.

Since the Twin Flame energies have an identical frequency, all of our inner questions and shadows tend to play out within the Twin Flame dynamic. You could almost call it an effect of each twin’s inner fears affecting the other.

The twin flame couple must learn the spiritual lesson that all fears are based on illusions and that love is the only truth… Awakening to enlightenment while in a physical body, becoming ” enlightened” by love.

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