How to be ready for the twin flame reunion?
Here are 4 simple steps to consider if you aim for a better life and a faster union with the person you love
1. Learn How to Protect your energy
Every day, you can protect yourself from negative influence, the attachments, and etheric cords of others. When others focus heavily on you and want you to behave in a certain way, that will affect you energetically.
Also, when we spend time in crowded places, we can easily take on other people’s problems. We are interacting with energy, even if we are not aware of it!
Also, clearing the energy in the house serves to create a very pleasant and high vibrational environment in the house, which is amazingly conducive to raising your personal frequency even higher!
2. Learn to forgive and let go
It is a very powerful practice, to forgive someone and ask for forgiveness once a day.
It releases negativity, clears negative attachments, and helps you move forward into a higher and more positive future.
And it can bring you instant relief, especially for Twin Flames who feel forgiveness and resentment from the other.
3. Learn how to meditate properly
Being in silence, and calming your mind, can bring instant relief from negativity and stress. And it raises your vibration. Often the problems we feel come from our minds – our own “interpretation” of events, above all.
Meditation allows you to relax the mind and body and gives your system a chance to “reboot” your energy. It stops the frantic activity in the subconscious mind, which can otherwise trigger a strange fear behind the scenes.
4. Release your energy
Connecting yourself to the light for even 15 minutes every day helps clear negativity.
You can also ask for the support of the light, to bring you what you need to achieve your dreams and your goals, and to fill your life with love, joy, ease, happiness, fun… This will really make a difference for you!
Twin Flames in Ascension are very sensitive to energy and when we take random things from our environment, it can create big problems in the journey.
Often, simple habits you do for fun can help you stay in touch with your intuition, connect with your spiritual guidance, and raise your vibration.