How to stop thinking about your twin flame?
Perspective is everything. If there’s something you (most likely) can’t stop, then try to be productive about it.
Every morning and throughout the day and before sleeping, and often in your dream, your twin is there. Whether or not you are separated. When you decide to accept it, you will understand what the universe is trying to tell you. Do not ignore all the synchronicities the universe will show you. Because your twin flame is the greatest gift, this life can give you.
And think about this observation of self-awareness; we are not aware of the fact that we, ourselves, are always in our minds too because we are ourselves. Your twin is you in another form, so it makes sense that they are always on your mind.
Connecting with your twin’s Higher Self is a blessing and a moving light.
Try to think back to your life, before you met your twin flame, you are going to feel that your twin has always been there (maybe even in a past life). Their Higher Self is always there with you. The moment you become aware that you are thinking of your twin flame, contemplate the dynamics of love and speak with their higher self.
Think outside the box of this reality to ease your dilemma. Deploy resources that may seem “crazy”. Talking to someone who “isn’t there” in the strictest 3D sense, is that crazy? Maybe, but having someone on your mind all the time, for no apparent reason, is just as crazy in this world.
Do not dive into the addiction to forget.
All of this only delays the healing that you should do during your separation. Focus on healing and raising your vibrations. Help people, meditate, and walk barefoot on the grass.
Gradually you will find peace in the constancy of connection. The connection between ocean and shore is again illustrative. Whether high tide or low tide, stormy or calm, the ocean always embraces the shore with its power, and no matter how many times the waves break, the shore remains its complement.
How to stop this overthinking?
The Twin Flame journey is not about the other person, it is about you and your relationship with the Divine. Loving another unconditionally must start with yourself and your love for the Divine.
You can’t shut yourself down, but by loving yourself unconditionally first, you’ll get to a place where you’re not obsessed with them anymore. You will finally come to love your twin unconditionally too, accepting their flaws, the pain you have felt, etc. but above all, be grateful for the lessons they allowed you to learn because only they could.
Your focus should be on yourself and your journey so that you can grow up and become your Complete Authentic Self.