Meaning of the symbolic number 8 for the journey of the Twin Flame

What is the meaning of the symbolic number 8 for the journey of the Twin Flame?

The number 8 is the symbol of eternity. An infinity symbol rotated to its side, representing the endless return to self and perfectly symbolizing the Twin Flames.

They appear as separate, but they really are one and always interconnected.

Two intertwined circles, always linked to each other and always coming back to each other. It is one of the fundamental symbols of the Twin Flames.

Seeing this symbol is a reminder from your soul or your spiritual guidance group that you and your twin are one. It is an invitation to look deeper than physical reality.

Go beyond the human illusion

Just look beyond the human illusion, and know that, as a spiritual truth, you are always connected, you will always come back to each other, you are always each other’s “fate”, the mirror, and the other self.

When you see this number repeatedly, it is a sign to go within and connect with these truths – to disregard the human illusion of separation, difference, and conflict. Your soul is asking you to remember what this is really about. Where do you come from as souls.

Your connection is divinely perfect. When you can feel this, you will begin to “alchemize” the physical realm experiences you have together.

The spiritual truth of oneness and unconditional love is stronger than all human ego perceptions, but we must allow it to shine.

Coming out of separation into harmony

Life on earth is a charade and what is hidden is that you are perfectly in harmony as souls.

It can be difficult for many twins to be faced with a “Twin Flame Runner” who doesn’t seem to respond or help the journey.

In fact, even the most ignored Twin Flame was “secretly” assisting you by grounding you in new patterns.

The eternity symbol also traditionally shows the endlessly cyclical nature of the universe – a perfect balance in seeming opposition.

Again, this symbol is a reminder to seek the Eternal Self, the eternal aspect of your Twin Flame. In general, seeing repeatedly the sequences of 8s, eternity symbols and 2222 is how the Twin Flame Higher Self says “I love you”.

No matter what their Earth Self is going through right now, and even if that person has hurt you, your Twin Flame Higher Self loves you unconditionally.

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