The Ascension of the Twin Flames

The Ascension of the Twin Flames

Twin Flame Ascension or Awakening is the energetic process of finding our soul and releasing all that is not in resonance with our true self and our path.

Ascension eventually raises our energetic vibration into a higher level where we can act from a place of unconditional love and light, by connecting with our Twin Flame without barriers and becoming a high vibrational energetic gateway for our planet.

The meaning of 11:11

Awakening is often signaled to us by our guides with the repeated sign 11:11, which indicates that “it has begun, you are being triggered to remember who you are as a soul and to return with your divine mirror (your Twin Flame).

This happens when we first connect with our twin, whether on the soul planes, through dreams or in reality, or by communicating with them. Sometimes it can happen just before, so we become prepared and recognize them as souls when we interact.

Find yourself in harmony

Twin Flames will most often be out of energetic alignment with each other when they first meet because of baggage that is clouding their energy.

When you meet your Twin, your energies interact and trigger a release of negativity. That means a release of all of a constricted frequency of negative energy. This will help you let go and rise in love, light, joy, peace and all high frequencies.

So that you can be in complete and perfect harmony energetically.

Let go the baggage

Energetically, you and your Twin Flame trigger this reaction which is designed to completely cleanse your energy. This is Twin Flame Ascension (Ascension means to ascend, it is as if you were a balloon weighed down by rocks and when you remove the rocks, little by little, you automatically lift higher and higher).

Everything you have had in other people’s lives and negative events, which is out of resonance with this soul voice (the frequency between you and your twin), is pushed to be released for good, so that you become in perfect harmony again.

Common Cause of Separation

Many people don’t realize this is a purification process, however, many Twin Flames get stuck in loops of negativity where they cling to this “old baggage” instead of emptying it.

This is most often what causes Separation is being stuck in a negative energy pattern.

Ascension Twin Flames: It is a gift

This release process is something that will actually help you enjoy your life more and more over time, giving you a chance to eradicate the false limitations and negative beliefs you have accepted in your space.

Some people spend their whole lives “unawakened” and never find true satisfaction. We have the chance to “cleanse” our energy and live our life from a place of joy and love. It may take a bit of time to get there, but it’s totally worth it once you start!

It’s Not Forever

Although Ascension is not a process that has a clearly defined end, we evolve and rise as we live and learn more and more – but it is not meant to be endless. At some point, you reach a level of lightness where you stabilize and can act from a place of inner peace and joy.

At this level, you and your twin will also be in a harmonious connection. The goal is to bring you into a space where your energies openly flow with each other. How long Ascension can take varies from person to person.

Ascension is intended to bring you closer to your twin.

Blockages and resistance between you and your Twin Flame are almost always hidden on a subconscious level and you probably wouldn’t even be aware of them.

For example, you might want to be with your twin, but you actually have a subconscious fear that “love hurts” and “other people can’t be trusted” – these things work against each other energetically.

So for you and your twin to connect, your soul is doing you the favor of showing you your blocks so you can clear them once and for all. Once the blocks are cleared, you will be open to each other.

The Ascension of the Twin Flames: It is something you accepted before you came to Earth.
This Ascension process is something that you have planned for yourself with your guides and your Twin Flame.

When we come to earth we forget our eternal soul, but deep down there is an inner knowing and many other things about your life plans and your relationship with your Twin. Your intuition can help you access it.

Twin Flame Ascension: There are methods that can make the process easier and faster.

Meditation helps you raise your vibration, which helps release negative blockage; and it also helps you avoid identifying yourself with that old baggage. The fact is, if we identify with negativity, we continue to integrate it deeper.

Energy release and karma work is an amazing way to make sure negative things go away as they should instead of creating complications and challenges in your path.
And because Twin Flames are of the same original energy consciousness, any energy work you do will help your Twin too and positively impact the entire dynamic between you!

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