Twin flame Journey

How can you ensure your Twin Flame reunion?

Love blocks are much deeper than most people think, and often in unexpected places. It’s not just about hoping or wishing for love.

Our journey to reunification with our Twin Flame involved a lot of clearing and uplifting energy, raising the vibration, and releasing karmic debt so we could open up to the union.

Unfortunately, the work of most healers and the existing methods are adapted to “regular” people and previous waves of Ascension.

This Twin Flame wave is incredibly intense, we are the pioneer souls who wanted to go and wake up quickly, with all that would entail.

This means the old heavy stuff comes in very powerfully and quickly, so we can completely revolutionize our DNA and energy makeup in a short time.

The Twin Flames came here to change everything from within. Waking up and transforming in record time. So we can live from a place of pure love – in “heaven on earth”.

The usual stuff for everyday people is not deep or comprehensive enough for this wave of Twin Flames and other Lightworkers.

We knew that, and that’s why some of us have made deals with the collective to share radical new methods of energy clearing and uplifting.

Imagine: If you started taking one small step every day from now, where could you be in a year?

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