Twin Flame Telepathy

Twin Flame Telepathy

Twin Flame telepathy is most often triggered at the time of Kundalini Awakening, which is the beginning of Twin Flame Ascension. It is when you and your Twin energetically connect (for many this occurs through sexual encounters or intensely emotional interactions in physical life or in dreams).

When you both connect in this way, your dormant connection with your Twin Flame and all dormant metaphysical abilities will be triggered.

No previous skills are required

Even if you’ve never had psychic abilities before, Twin Flame telepathy is something that can develop quickly, almost overnight, when you and your twin interact energetically and your souls are connected to your higher consciousness.

Twin Flame telepathy allows twins to hear their thoughts and converse mentally, and besides actual verbal communication, they can sense their twins’ feelings and moods, including suddenly knowing things they don’t have never known before.

Can you touch your twin flame over a distance?

Touching from a distance is also common between Twin Flames, This and telepathy are especially noticeable and active at times when our brain is in an Alpha or Theta state, when our defense mechanisms and ego are relaxed and communication is open – everything before we fall asleep or when we meditate.

Many twins feel their partner by holding their hand or kissing them, and some even experience sexual encounters this way.

To boost your connection and get in touch with the soul of your Twin Flame, try meditation.

Here are the signs of the Twin Flame Telepathy.


Because as Twin Flames, you share an energy frequency that is unique to both of you in the entire universe, your souls are already “tuned into each other’s channel”, like on a radio. This means that you are always in communication on an energetic level.

This is why so many twins feel and hear their partners’ thoughts, feelings, and moods. Twin Flame telepathy becomes stronger and easier each time we clear our energy to align with this central frequency that we share.

Twin Flame telepathy is an amazing way to stay in touch regardless of the physical distance between you – whether you want to make your Twin happy or send them a message, starting with simple things like “I love you” or ” I forgive you” Can be very powerful as these are archetypal messages that are easily transmitted through the nervous system and energy channels.

Sending love is another amazing and simple thing you can do. Focus on your heart space and focus on the love you feel for your twin; when you send them that love, they will feel it somehow, even if you have never spoken before in life or have been apart for years.


Pay attention to messages and impressions that come in the form of images, sounds, dreams, sensory impressions like touch and emotions, heat, cold, heart palpitations, excitement… Energy and emotions can be communicated in different ways.

Do not be surprised if you suddenly perceive a memory of your Twin Flame’s life or experience moments of deja vu when you begin this process as this is due to the merging of your energies and the side effect of the process.

Those moments when suddenly your Twin Flame comes to your mind, they’re likely thinking of you. And when you feel the warmth of love deep inside you, it’s only because they’re the ones feeling it.

Sometimes this happens on a soul level, where there is always love between the Twin Flames, but the more aware you are of using Twin Flame telepathy, the more you can stay in touch.

It can really enhance feelings of togetherness and intimacy, and because the Twin Flame connection isn’t just about simple words, there’s less chance of misunderstandings and conflict. To put it simply: The energy of love is unmistakable.


As with most telephones, once the line is busy, you cannot use it. In Twin Flame telepathy, when we are energetically blocked or occupying the line with our own ego drama and the internal monologue of worry or blame, our Twin’s messages are not going to be easily received.

Because we are energetic beings and the whole world is full of other people’s energy, we may unconsciously end up absorbing other people’s energy and this will block our communication channels.

Releasing our energy daily is a great way to keep those telepathic channels clear and open, which also allows us to stay clear of any negativity that can disrupt our mood and well-being.

If you have never experienced telepathic communication between you and your Twin, the first step to activating this ability would be to clear your energy channels. If only one of you does this, it will help enormously to open you both up. If the channel is blocked, the telepathy will not work as intended.


Sometimes you may hear strange, confusing, or discouraging comments and experience weak feelings because of your connection with your Twin. The reason is that the connection is not just from your conscious self to their conscious self. Sometimes you become aware of your own subconscious insecurities and even your own voice of ego or the negativity of others.

In Twin Flame telepathy, it’s actually quite relevant. Often we don’t hear our Twin’s voice, we just feel like the words are coming from them. Try to recognize the energy signature behind the words. We can feel who the person is.

This is why it is essential on the Twin Flame journey to energetically release and become familiar with how energy works in order to feel the difference between your true Twin Flame, other people and your own fears, and so on.

In life, it’s most often our own instincts of fear that send us into a spiral of negativity.

Once you learn to discern your Twin’s energy from the subconscious fears of others and your own ego, you will save yourself a lot of worry and trouble.


Twin Flame telepathy happens on an energetic level, and in order to develop this ability reliably and quickly, you must keep your energy channels and meridians clear and healthy.

Managing your energy will help you open to Twin Flame telepathy faster than anything else. As with any skill, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.


Once your ability to communicate telepathically with your twin is opened up and strengthened, you can also communicate telepathically with your own spiritual guides.

It can be a great help on your journey, as they are full of wisdom and love for us here on the Earth plane. However, some precautions must be taken to ensure that the information you get is to support you because you are talking to your real guides.

Telepathy and energy-based communication means that theoretically, you can communicate with anyone in any language because energy has no words.

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