In order to honor uniqueness in your Twin Flame Journey, you must:
Decide Now: What Does Your Unique Vision Look Like about Yourself?
Decide what you want because if “you don’t work for your dream, someone else will make you work for theirs”.
In other words, if you don’t stay aware of your intentions, it’s so easy to be into someone else’s version of reality.
In short, you are here to live in your own “heaven on earth”. So ask yourself now, what would that be? What would be your ideal situation for you and your twin flame?
Note this. Collect images that capture the essence of it. You don’t have to do it all at once but start by being aware.
For the best results on this journey, refine your own truth. And to find out what it is, go ahead. Explore your connection with your own soul and your twin’s higher self. Tune in to your intuition.
If other twin flames have experienced something, that doesn’t mean you will. So, Running and separation are not obligatory.
Unfortunately, if you read about Twin Flames who struggle with separation, on some level your own mind will note the fact that separation is natural to the Twin Flame connection… Twin Flames always have issues. And your whole system will line up with it and attract it.
If Twin Flames could eradicate “Twin Flame information” from their energy systems (such as beliefs that there are stages, that running is inevitable, that tests must be endured, etc.), they will have a lot less struggle.
And, the reunion would be much closer.
Not just for certain twin flames but for the entire collective.
It is better to let go of the rules and the existing human 3D version and accepted the “Twin Flame reality”.
If Twin Flames could realign with their own soul wisdom, and increase their frequency in love, there would be so much progress!
You don’t just have to listen to people who have been through this before you. You can choose something new!
If there are problems between you, there is often wisdom in their resistance. Forcefully, your twin flame tries to tell you to take a different approach. Don’t look at them as “a twin flame”, try to see them as an individual. Heed this wisdom so that you can avoid resistance.