You and your Twin Flame are a perfect couple in every way.

You and your Twin Flame are a perfect couple in every way.
Nothing is ever “wrong” or “too soon”
If something happens, that means you are “ready” for it and in alignment with it – because your energy field will not allow into anything that is a mismatch with how you are connected. There is a link between us and the experience that we are in alignment with.

If you feel you weren’t ready to come with your twin flame, it’s because subconscious fears were triggered (for you to release).

Your guides and soul will never push you into something you won’t be able to handle (but they might push you into something you feel scared of so you can face your limits and realize your true inner strength).

Our energy field or “reality field” works as a filter for our experiences.

For example, if you have never felt truly loved, your energy field will be linked to not allowing you to be truly loved. If you subconsciously believe that life works in a way that you never feel prepared for, it is something that you will attract.

In fact, the laws of energy always work the same way. We get what is in alignment with what we send out as gravity. Laws are always “safe” and they don’t waver.

For us, it can be a gift or a curse depending on how we use our energy. If we send out negative signals unconsciously, this whole system can feel like punishment. However, the gift of energy laws is that once we learn to focus and consciously shape our energy, we can create and experience anything we want.

If you can shape your energy to allow something, eventually it will show up.

You and your Twin Flame are a perfect couple in every way.
You belong together, and you are both “at home. You share exactly the same base frequency as your souls. There is not another being in the entire universe who is so “perfect” for you and in alignment with you as your Twin.

However, many experience difficulties in their journey. It’s never because you and your twin are incompatible. Any problem or challenge that arises between Twin Flames is because of blockages, negative energy, and karma. Underneath it all, you are perfectly compatible in every way.

In order for you and your Twin to come back together in love in this lifetime, you had to begin the Ascension process to return to this pure base frequency. The sooner you start, the sooner you reach that point of unity.

Remember that Twin Flames are always perfectly compatible. Any problem or dissonance is because of outside energies, traumas, and karma that you have suffered and experienced throughout your existence. And the good news is that these things can be erased.

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