You can’t stop thinking about your twin
Your twin flame is your own soul reincarnated in another body.
There is a soul connection that is there to drive you irresistibly towards union, and it will make it extremely difficult to continue your life without them. And that is why a continuous flow of thoughts is triggered following a separation. How to handle such a situation?
How to calm these excessive thoughts?
First of all, your twin flame does not invade your mind. They don’t do it consciously. As twin flames share the same energetic frequency, they are naturally felt by your etheric and mental bodies at all times. On the other hand, the more you resist pushing these thoughts away, the stronger they become. The fact is that there is no other solution to this, you have to learn how to deal with it. You embrace thoughts about your twin flame. You have to accept that they are now part of you forever. Focus on the positive things gained through your twin flame journey.
Unconsciously, the mere thought of your twin can make you cry, which can drain all of your energy.
But learning to be more aware of this connection, when you think of your twin, you feel that life is so much bigger and more beautiful than you ever imagined before meeting the twin flame. This thing, this love, this connection, serves to wake you up in a new world that was there from the start, but you have been completely unconscious to see it or even believe it.
You can’t stop thinking about your twin, but you can embrace the thoughts by turning them into good thoughts.
To do this, you need to work on yourself and your thoughts. You need to change what you associate with during the twin flame journey and not focus on the negatives. Maybe, it sounds hard, you probably won’t be able to do it overnight. It’s a process, it takes time. But you can do it!