11 actions for your own Twin Flame Union
Twin Flame Union is a co-creation and not at all a waiting game.
It is essential to know what it takes to create a harmonious union with your Twin Flame, to erase the triggers between you and to heal your own wounds instead of projecting them onto the other.
Know that you do not have to wait for the correct alignment of the stars to achieve Twin Flame union, and that there are many twins who do not experience the dramatic roller coaster experience of running and chasing. On the other hand, there are twins who want but fail to be together for decades.
Waiting for the right energies to push you to union is not a strategy that will take you far. You must take the steps, co-create your heart’s desire with the Universe.
Here are 11 actions you can take to create a tipping point towards your own Twin Flame union.

1 Bring your way to union
Creating a reunion code using the law of attraction during your Twin Flame journey, for your future with your twin, can be an ideal way.
How to write a Twin Flame Reunion code?
Start by knowing what is holding you back from manifesting your heart’s deepest desires. Why are you not vibrationally aligned with the future you want to create? Simply, write down the first thing you want the most for yourself in the form of a small key code.
Reading this code daily will help you move onto the timeline where your dream reality already exists and manifest it into your physical reality.
2 Find your blocks in your daily drama
Pay close attention to your daily drama, even if it seems unrelated to your twin, it may actually reflect blocks in your Twin Flame union. Let me explain.
For example, believing that: “men have always hurt me”. It is a subconscious program that creates a reality that you can experience. In fact, this belief can manifest again in your reality, if you hold it to be true in your subconscious. Listen: Believing this about men is not only going to create difficulties in your life with men, it is a massive blocker to Twin Flame union – because if you believe that men always hurt you, it means you can’t trust men. If your twin is male, you will carry this mistrust into your relationship with him as well. There’s also a good chance you’ll see major evidence of “men always hurt me” in your relationship with your twin.
Getting caught in these sabotaging subconscious beliefs or healing them can create a massive tipping point towards twin flame union.

3 Clear Runner’s Past Life
Another way to speed up the union is to eliminate past life trauma between you and your twin. In particular, clearing past runner energy can have a positive effect on the relationship you have with your twin. It’s actually this kind of thing that triggers the “running” that many Twin Flame couples encounter on their journey and that’s why talking about it only makes things worse. The person who is running does not consciously know why they are running and cannot give you an answer. They feel bad, because they know very well that their behavior “hurts” you and they feel guilty about it.
In reality, you are only triggering mutual wounds, so you must bring them to the surface to be fully released and healed. It is never the other person’s intention to hurt you, they are only reflecting/showing you where you need to heal yourself deeper. Diving deep into your past lives with your twin can really help you eliminate major triggers. By bringing past life memories into conscious memory and clearing the emotional (vibrational) residue that has been stored in your energy system, you remove much of the triggering.
And the fact is that while these memories and emotions are still repressed, they are like vibrational transmitters sending a signal to the energy field of others that basically stings their forgotten wounds. This is what triggers the running between twin flames.

4 Heal the wound of the inner child
The same story applies to the wound of the inner child. Bring the memories back into the conscious mind and release the pent-up emotions means, you are already well on your way to healing the wounded inner child.
However, this is often more complex because the inner child needs a parent. If the biological parents were unfit or unavailable
One way or another, the inner child often tries to get the love it needs from the partner. Have you ever noticed that the word partner is an anagram of the word parent? Well, that never happens the way the inner child hopes and a partner just isn’t able to satisfy the insatiable hunger a neglected child has for love. So this pushes any partner away.
One of the most important steps on your healing journey after releasing those pent-up emotions and identifying the childhood beliefs behind them, is to become your own inner parent and give your inner child love and the attention he seeks. This is an important aspect of loving yourself.
Inner child wounds are also addressed in the twin flame reunion journey, but of course, you can heal them.

5 Forgive your twin
As you can see, everything you and your twin flame have encountered on your journey together has never been personal. It was never meant to hurt you, every action, every word spoken had only one function and that is to show you your inner wound so that it can be completely healed.
Twin Flames incarnated to assist in the ascension of planet Earth. They do this by becoming portals of unconditional love that raise the vibrational frequency of everyone around them. Twin flames are currently connecting and coming together all over the world, creating a grid of portals that are activated one by one, raising the vibrational frequency of planet Earth and elevating it and its inhabitants to the frequency of unconditional love.
It is our true essence of unconditional love that is in most cases covered by false and fear-based beliefs, as well as repressed trauma and emotions from this and past lives. This kind of energy needs to be cleared away for you to return to your true essence and you and your twin have agreed to come together in this lifetime, to help you heal whatever is holding you back from aligning with who you truly are.
Everything your twin has ever done or said has only served this purpose. When you can see this, forgiveness comes naturally. Entering forgiveness is an important step towards creating a tipping point in the Twin Flame Union, you cannot enter the union holding grudges.
Lack of forgiveness more than anything creates a negative bond, that does not serve you and must be cut.
In the Twin Flame journey, forgiveness is always an element that we touch on and it helps you to change your perspective on all past hurts, to see that the other came into your life in order to make you learn something. However, without forgiving someone else’s behavior, refusing to forgive doesn’t hurt anyone as much as YOU.
6 Are you fully aligned with your union?
If you’re still married on paper, living with your ex, or in a friends-with-benefits relationship, but, you’re NOT aligned with the union. Twin Flame union asks you to commit or quit and honestly, we have all tried to quit. We’ve all tried to move on with our lives and find someone “normal” and that’s fine, sometimes you need to step back to be ready to fully commit again. There needs to be physical space in your life for your twin and that’s not possible if you’re (always) with someone else.
Is your home ready for your twin? Is there a place for them to sleep, a place for their clothes? Let’s say your twin showed up at your house today, would you be comfortable letting them in? Is it clean enough? Is your house tidy enough? Is there anything you should definitely get rid of today? If you knew your twin who may live on the other side of the world was coming today? Is there anything you would buy if you knew your twin would end their marriage today and move back in with you?
Do it now! Align with union NOW, no matter how impossible your Twin Flame relationship may seem now, show the Universe that you expect your twin to walk through the door any minute and that you are completely ready to receive them into your life.
Don’t think about killing your time with someone else, because your twin might do the same. Make sure nothing gets in the way.

7 Tie up the loose ends
Are you living your mission? Do you still have things to do before your twin flame arrives?
Don’t waste your time pining for the other in total despair. Go on with what you’re supposed to do and do it now. Don’t procrastinate because once your twin is there, you don’t have time.
First, you will need time to have fun and reconnect, it works much better if there are no pressing matters that need your attention, keep them away. Create the emotional space in your life so that you are completely free to move on for a while, so that you can truly step into that love bubble with your twin once they return.
If you are a woman, slow down your pace on the work as much as possible and allow yourself to come back into your feminine energy. We really slip into our masculine energy in our work, which is great, but to attract our Divine masculine, we need to be in our own Divine feminine vibe. So eliminate those big work projects or change things up on long-term projects, so you can slow down a little and stay in the right mood.
8 Make peace with your creator
Make peace with your creator.
Many of us have religious wounds, if not from this life, then from past lives. We’ve all been there, we’ve all done that. Now is the time to clarify this, because you cannot have Twin Flame Union without a healed relationship with God.
There is the need to heal one of the most important relationships of your life, your relationship with the Divine.
Because Twin Flame union is a threesome with the Divine, you get there much faster when you make peace with your creator.
9 Erase Fear of Loss
Fear of loss is a very common Twin Flame theme that often plays out for life. However, in order to create a union, this fear must be released because, in fact, being afraid of losing your twin flame does not mean that union will occur, regardless of the underlying cause.
You cannot create what you do not believe and this (subconscious) fear will actually repel the twin flame union, it must disappear for you to become a magnet to what is truly yours.

10 Love yourself more
Often you don’t know how to act when someone tells you that all you need to do is love yourself more. Which means loving yourself and consciously being on the path to self-love. Honestly, it’s such a complex issue that affects every part of your life. Telling someone that they just need to love themselves more is an empty phrase that sounds quite witty and true but generally means nothing to them.
Take things easy because you can love yourself in so many ways, like:
Be patient and kind to yourself in your thoughts.
Eat healthy.
Get some fresh air and exercise.
Rest on time.
Respect your own limits.
Treat yourself to high-quality things and experiences.
Letting go of toxic situations and people.
Be a loving parent to your inner child.
And so on…
But then what? After implementing self-love in every practical way, how can you love yourself more? By removing subconscious programming for deeper self-love and working daily with: I AM the love I seek.
Self-love is an important part of opening the channels to receive love and what will be surprising is that, at a certain point, you are going to have no problem sending unconditional love to your twin flame.
11 Let go
This last point to never forget. The twin flame journey requires surrender, surrender to divine time, and a greater plan. We come to feel that we have met the love of our life and in the end; it becomes so much more than that, so much more than just a story of two people that ends and they lived happily ever after.
Now, if you really want to drive your twin and yourself into union, surrender. You need to stop chasing. The chase was because of your fear of losing them, so it’s time to trust. Trust that it is meant to be. Trust that you are not alone. Trust that union is near and after ALL the hard work you have done, that it is time to let go now and place your union and your Twin Flame in the hands of the Divine.
If you are the Divine Feminine, make room for the Divine Masculine to pursue you again, as he did in the beginning. Step back and let him come to you. Let go, sit back, and let the truth prevail.
You cannot receive anything if your hands are full and when you hold your twin and your union tightly. Let go so your hands become empty to receive. If you find this difficult, know that, when you let go, your twin senses it and things change.
Above all, believe that union with your twin is possible because more and more “twin flames runners” are coming back. Let go of all your memories of how much they pushed you away.