11 signs confirm that you have found your twin flame

11 signs confirm that you have found your twin flame

1.When you met, there was instant recognition.

When you first meet your twin flame, there will be an intense feeling of attraction, recognition, and desire. Meeting a twin flame often feels like coming home. They feel familiar. An undeniably intense bond, as if you had already known them.”

2. You are very similar.

In fact, you and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common when it comes to values, past experiences, and interests. “You will both discover that your past history has many coincidences and similar experiences.”

3. You complement each other.

In areas where you are not similar, you will find that your differences complement each other, almost like yin and yang. Their shadow, for example, will be complemented by your light. And since a twin flame reflects you, you’re probably very aware of how your relationship highlights your shadows and theirs.

4. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified.

“The purpose of your twin flame is to support and assist you in your divine mission.” “So often this type of relationship will reflect your deepest issues and insecurities so that you can work through them to heal and grow.”

5. They feel magnetic.

From the time you first met until this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they are near you, as well as magnetically when you are apart. It’s like their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.

6. The relationship is tumultuous.

Not all twin flame relationships are easy and in fact, they usually aren’t. Being with a twin flame is like being constantly confronted with yourself, namely the parts of yourself that you may not like. This can be incredibly difficult, but it facilitates major growth for both of you.

7. The relationship is very intense.

In fact, there is a definite emotional charge between twin flames. And they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar. “Because you’re so connected on a soul level, you feel things more deeply together, which often results in more intensity and passion.”

8. You come back together.

“Chasing” is most definitely part of the twin flame relationship. At some point, one of you may walk away, out of fear, out of anger… But you will always come back. If you are in a “Run and Chase” type relationship, it could be with your twin flame. “You will find that things keep bringing you together in random ways. This can take months, years, or even decades; you always find your way to each other.”

9. Your connection feels divine.

When you find your twin flame, there is a certain feeling that is stronger than usual. And it probably seems divine or predestined. There is a feeling that you have been brought together by a higher force. And that creates a very strong bond between the two of you.

10. You have an almost psychic connection.

You and your twin flame can probably communicate with just a glance. And, you always know what the other person is thinking. You can even feel each other’s emotions.

11. They push you to be and do better.

Twin flames act like mirrors. They challenge us to do better. And often, your goals are aligned in a way that pushes you both to new heights. It’s a very expansive relationship that fosters a lot of growth.

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