Month September 2023

A message for Twin Flames

A message for Twin FlamesYou and your twin flame are here to share a mission of love on Earth. Many of you struggle with what is happening between the soul and the ego:You chose this for yourself. You chose it…

What is karma in twin flames?

What is karma in twin flames? Karma is energetically an unhealed wound from the past. Because it involves trauma, karmic wound keeps your system in a state of distress over past experience, attracting “ghost” versions of the original trauma. If…

The mirror effect among Twin Flames

The mirror effect among Twin Flames If you are on the Twin Flame journey, you will inevitably have heard or read about the Twin Flame mirror effect. This “mirror exercise” leads to a pseudo-healing. Here are, above all, the stages…

Can twin flames make love telepathically?

Can twin flames make love telepathically? The union of two twin flames is the most powerful spiritual connection that can be experienced in this lifetime. A twin flame couple has unique characteristics, which differ greatly from an ordinary couple. Twin…

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