A message for Twin Flames
You and your twin flame are here to share a mission of love on Earth.
Many of you struggle with what is happening between the soul and the ego:
You chose this for yourself. You chose it because you were so kind and wanted to help humanity. You and your twin flame are here to share this mission on Earth and to help its inhabitants experience true love. Divine love which, in its pure form, is so rare. You wanted to share this, in an adventure of soul and spirit in the physical human realms. You two believed so strongly in your connection and your unconditional love for each other, that you had no doubt that you could awaken your core aspect – your soul, your spiritual being – once you came to earth.
You also knew that this would be a journey filled with challenges depending on the energies you encountered.
Many of you have deliberately chosen to be born into lines of turmoil and heaviness. Many of you have taken on characteristics of difficulty and challenge, such as poverty, loss of life around you, pain, and suffering – so that you, with your awakening, bring negativity to leave the earth for good and therefore help the earth put an end to suffering. You have voluntarily decided to erase the karmic pain of bloodlines all over the world with your awakening. Twin flames have chosen some of the most difficult situations to be born, in order to heal these situations, these energy fields, these lineages with your infinite love.
This love may have been obscured but it beats in your hearts.
It radiates from your souls, deep beneath all the fears and problems that might be around you and inside you. Now that you are on Earth, love is found. Therefore, the Twin Flame journey can bring the bliss of unconditional love into the physical. Conflict, drama, and struggle are all part of the paradigms of being human that we are here to overcome, to leave behind. For your soul, everything is a learning experience. It does not see between what is “right or wrong”. Everything is an experience, a choice, or a preference.
We can choose to hurt others, or we can choose to love them.
Our souls are waiting for us to realize, that what we send out is what we activate within ourselves, because we are all beings of energy. So what we do to others is a key to what we attract again. Especially when it comes to the Twin Flame. Often the souls of twins sit and wait until they realize that there is no real opposition in the couple. If you blame your Twin Flame, you blame yourself. If you were born in their place, you would be them, and if they were born in your place, they would be you.
As always, your heart and intuition know what serves you best.
If something seems heavy or negative, take a step back. If there is a conflict, try to discuss it calmly. You can be honest about how you feel and be open to another with a difference of opinion. No one is “right” or “wrong” in spiritual terms. It’s a question of perspective. We have the choice to follow or take charge and decide what to feel, what to focus on, what to create, and what to believe. The world is full of energy and potential experiences.
“Good” and “bad” are available to us.
For your souls, this is part of the magic of the journey. Being able to see beyond human perspectives and knowing that there is light in every person. That behind every human action lies a desire for love, no matter how deeply it has been buried. The motivating factor behind all our actions either comes from the fear of losing love or trying to get love. Know this, and look again at your situation. Can you see beyond good and bad?