Can twin flames reach the 5th to 9th Dimensions?

Can twin flames reach the 5th to 9th Dimensions?

These are the areas where unity consciousness begins. Characterized by love, peace, joy… The prevailing atmosphere is one of acceptance, harmony, forgiveness, and love for all beings. Unity consciousness (5D) is the beginning of the recognition that we are all the same.

See the soul of light, even in someone who has hurt you. Seeing beyond the “veil of perception” and knowing the earth is a “game” where souls of light act out patterns with each other in order to evolve and learn.

5D is still in the realm that most humans reach during their lives. Some don’t, but most do. When this happens, it is experienced as joy and happiness.

The mind shows us that 5D also functions as a gateway dimension, a connector to higher dimensions, allowing communication with spirit and penetrating more fully into our soul gifts. They serve us to gain higher dimensional self abilities.

“THE SPIRITUAL REALITIES”: 9th Dimension upwards.

Human beings in Ascension can reach 12 and 13 dimensions while dreaming and then come back to their bodies. But often we don’t fully remember these dreams because our body consciousness belongs to the 3D vibrational range and is not always able to “translate” the high-dimensional experiences into physical memory.

High-dimensional experiences are most often remembered in flashes of visions, or by feeling or experiencing something without actually remembering it. What really happens during switchover hours?

When we have regular doorway openings during Eclipses, Equinoxes, and Solstices, there is a temporary bridge between dimensions, where the new light enters and the old negativity disappears.

Many have wondered where this old negativity goes and where the new codes of light come from. This is their answer.

Another interesting idea is that certain places also have gateways to higher or lower dimensions… And if a person has a very high personal frequency, they become a vortex of light, a personal gateway between the 3D where their body exists, to the higher dimensions.

(Someone can also be a bridge to lower consciousness… You will notice this if you feel particularly heavy when around someone).

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