Origin Of Twin Flame Souls

Where does your soul really come from?

When Twins are united in Unconditional Love, they become a permanent gateway to the higher dimensions and allow great vibrational energy to flow from their system to others.

Many Twin Flames and other Lightworkers are souls from Higher Dimensional. So when they awaken within their physical bodies, they can more easily reach new dimensions.

Why do we “voluntarily” come to Earth?

Not all souls that come to earth, can attain the unity and consciousness of love. Therefore, we “volunteered” as souls to come here and help them.

This is the reason so many Twin Flames incarnate in families with dysfunctional patterns – especially families where there are issues around love, self-love, and forgiveness.

Why do we have to raise our vibration to receive guidance?

When we communicate with our spiritual guides, their consciousness exists in very high dimensions, and most of them will lower their own vibration to reach us. So, it is important to, simultaneously, raise our vibration to “meet” them temporarily to receive communication.

In order to find out what is going on with you regarding dimensional alignment, you need to notice your feelings.

When we are in the low emotions of fear or worry, we are interacting in the lower dimensions. When we are in the higher states of love, forgiveness, and bliss, we are experiencing higher dimensions.

Why it’s good to go back to the old reality?

Sometimes, it is healthy for our system to have the mind back in a 3D vibration, so the body feels more stable and less stressed. This is because the body is from the 3D physical world and needs to adjust when the vibration from another dimension peaks.

Meditation is a helpful method to help your physical, and spiritual systems work well together

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