Month September 2023

Are twin flames real or an obsession?

Are twin flames real or an obsession? You’ve met someone, and it’s different. From the moment you laid eyes on this person, you felt a sense of familiarity and magnetic attraction. The more you get to know them, the more…

When your soul calls for separation?

When does your soul call for separation?Why does your soul sometimes stimulate separation? Additionally, what can you do to spur your twin into action, elevate your path, and open up until you get back together?These are times of change and…

First sign of a twin flame

First sign of a twin flameCan it be a real sign if your Twin Flame, at first sight, can take your heart?For a moment, you feel stuck in a different world because, at that moment, you are in sync with…

Origin Of Twin Flame Souls

Where does your soul really come from? When Twins are united in Unconditional Love, they become a permanent gateway to the higher dimensions and allow great vibrational energy to flow from their system to others. Many Twin Flames and other…

5 ways to understand Soul Messages

5 ways to understand Soul Messages Remember how energy works, you are open to receiving what you are within vibrational harmony. By raising your vibration, you open yourself to receiving information and ideas from your higher “spiritual faculties” rather than…

The Power of the Unconscious

The Power of the Unconscious The unconscious is often described as a storehouse, a giant ocean of our life’s experiences, feelings, and thoughts. 99% of our mental activity is unconscious. When we play an instrument for a long time, our…