The mirror effect among Twin Flames

The mirror effect among Twin Flames

If you are on the Twin Flame journey, you will inevitably have heard or read about the Twin Flame mirror effect. This “mirror exercise” leads to a pseudo-healing.

Here are, above all, the stages of a mirror exercise:

  1. Write down what triggers you (what you don’t like, or what irritates you, hurts you, etc.) about your twin’s behavior.
  2. Next, rewrite the sentences, but now change your twin’s name to the personal pronoun “I” and show them yourself.
  3. Ask yourself how this statement can be true for you.
    This leads to the understanding that, for example, when you believe that your twin is disloyal to you, your twin is reflecting your own disloyalty to yourself. Or that if your twin is with someone else and doesn’t choose to be with you, it reflects that you aren’t choosing yourself. And of course, if your twin says they don’t love you, that means you don’t love yourself…

Yet all of this information is completely useless because it doesn’t get you any closer to WHY or HOW this would be true for you.

These reversed results are only generalizations.

If your twin is in a relationship with another, it is to help you heal your unconscious wounds around your own worth and your ability to receive love, and although this may immediately resonate in you (or not), it tells you absolutely nothing about how, when or why you doubted your own worth or why you have, for example, difficulty receiving love.

Without understanding the origin of a false unconscious belief, you cannot replace it with a new conscious belief – in other words, you cannot cure it.
Many times, things happen to us because this experience will help us heal blocked trauma from childhood or past lives, not because it is a mirror of ourselves.

Finally yet importantly, another problem with the mirror technique is that it keeps you stuck in the mind and often stuck in the ego as well. This is why most people use it superficially, which again does not facilitate real healing.

So even if the reversal is true, you probably won’t be able to see the truth of it, anyway.
Reversing what you see to be true in the twin flame doesn’t actually show you where or how it is true for you, and many times it’s not that obvious because most of your wounds are not superficial, Most of your wounds are lodged deep in your subconscious.

See the wound through a simple writing exercise. If it were that simple, people wouldn’t be stuck on their Twin Flame journey for years and years. We would all have simply “exercised the mirror” to enter the Twin Flame union.

There isn’t much deeper clarity to be gained from this exercise because it doesn’t give us real access to the deeper cause behind everything we see reflected back to us.
If mirroring is used superficially, then people will chase their story. For example, if your twin flame does not choose you – choosing you or not will not be what prevents you from “union”.

The Twin Flame journey is part of the overall path of Ascension.

It is, in fact, an initiation path to Ascension, so it’s not even about ending up with the twin flame (which doesn’t mean you won’t).

Even if this journey is not about a romantic life, it does not mean, that it will not include romance.
This journey is not about the romantic outcome, the Twin Flame mirror itself is much deeper than a means of entering a physical union with your loved one. In fact, this divine mirror was given to us to completely free ourselves from the karmic chains of death and rebirth and to awaken us to the truth of who we are on a soul level.

Therefore, it’s ridiculous to tell people that if their twin flame doesn’t choose them, it’s because they don’t choose themselves. The reason the twin flame is, assumingly, not choosing them in 3D is to evoke any subconscious wounds that are preventing them from BEING and HAVING divine union in the physical.

This process of facing these inner (subconscious) wounds allows for a complete upgrade from the old way of thinking, from the 3D paradigm to the 5D way of being. Whereas if the other twin had simply chosen themselves would have been the solution, they could not elevate their relationship to a higher dimensional state – because they have not elevated themselves to a dimensional state of consciousness superior. Choosing Yourself does not magically overwrite all your old 3D programming, nor does it open the doors to the 5D frequency. Choosing ourselves is just ONE of the many steps we must take to get there.

How do you use the Twin Flame mirror then?

We should use Twin Flame mirror in the right way. This is a tool to take ownership of our own hurts, not a way to blame and shame ourselves for “creating” a broken and unwanted reality with our twin flame (thinking we are pushing them away, unconsciously).

We tend to believe that we can make life the way we want it to be and that is an illusion. Our conscious mind only creates about 5% of our experienced reality, the subconscious mind dictates what our reality looks like for a whopping 95%. Hence, techniques such as affirmations and visualizations can alter our subconscious beliefs.

However, here is the difference between the two:

The first directly addresses the cause that creates our unwanted realities by working on healing our unconscious wounds, that we developed in our childhood, brought from past lives, or inherited from our ancestors, etc. When we pave the way to the manifestation of our desired reality there is no longer an underlying conflict between conscious desires and subconscious fears and beliefs.

The second overestimates our “power” to create our desired reality based on our desires, because the soul is in charge and we cannot simply overwrite cross-beliefs arising from our subconscious wounds that override our conscious desires. Because the subconscious dictates our reality. The conscious always gives way to the subconscious for our external reality. The subconscious is more powerful than the conscious. Just as the soul is more powerful than the ego.

The Twin Flame mirror exposes us to those subconscious fears and false beliefs that we have great difficulty seeing in ourselves. They are literally in our blind spot, however because we have often denied them so deeply – we spot them right away in our twin.

It is the Divine mirror, our own subconscious wounds being reflected back to us in the loved one.

Your twin’s pain IS your pain.

The problem is that because your own wound is unconscious, you often aren’t able to see it early on. You can only see what seems OBVIOUSLY wrong to you in your Divine partner, your Twin flame. When you recognize this wound in your twin and put words to what you see, it deeply stirs your own corresponding wound. The Twin Flame journey is sometimes experienced as emotionally difficult, because it triggers all of our deep subconscious wounds.

The twin’s hurt being identical to ours has been true, every time – for that is the true principle of the mirror. It’s not what they do to you, you do it to yourself too, although that may be true. No, it’s their deepest wounds that are the same as yours, each in their own way. This is what the Divine mirror of our soul shows us. Our twin flames literally show us where we are not aligned with who we truly are on the deepest level – our soul.

Our twin flame shows us what we need to see:

But often we don’t see it or can’t see it yet because what they reflect back to us is in our own blind spot.

Simply recognizing them in the twin does not facilitate healing. It only helps bring the subconscious hurt into your peripheral vision to help you deal with what needs to be seen. Recognizing that they are also your wounds does not bring healing either. Because until you can see HOW what you see in your twin is true for you too – you’re just trying to rush the process, so you can move on and reclaim your “union.”

But, this journey is so much more than a fairy tale, and it ends up living happily ever after…
Which you consider for yourself. There is so much more to gain, aside from the romantic outcome you so deeply desire. You can’t rush or bypass important parts of this process, because they’re the ones that get you to where you want to be.

It is in these wounds that you find the true obstacles to all of your dreams. Heal these wounds, and align with all that is yours – which includes a fulfilling and deeply spiritual connection with the perfect person for you. Your twin or someone better (because the more you cling to your twin as the ONLY possible outcome – the more you stagnate energy). Your soul does not allow your ego to crush your divine plan, but it also does not allow it to already speed up the process – your soul wants the soul growth that this experience has to offer you.

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