Twin Flame Signs in Harmony

Twin Flame Signs in Harmony


You have come here fully equipped to make this journey a place of joy and love. Your intuition is there to help you whenever you are ready to listen to it.

However, you may have to let go of a lot of limiting beliefs about how the Twin Flame connection is supposed to be before you can be open to knowing its truth.

Focus within, listen to your intuition. It will always tell you what is your greatest happiness by leaving you feeling light and happy when things are aligned, or heavy when they are out of alignment. Getting rid of negative energy will help you develop your intuition. Learn to listen to it, and it will become your best friend and compass on this journey.

In life, it is up to us to do all the work. Like in school, there’s no guarantee you’ll graduate just because you go there. So it’s up to you.


The Twin Flame relationship is not a material issue that we can straighten up overnight to bring it to perfection. Some Twin Flames may spend their lives in pain because of separation.

And that also means that there is no “secret” session of a book or a meditation, a certain article or an expert that can fix your Twin Flame connection overnight. There is no intellectual “trick” or “solution” to living in love and joy.


What determines whether your Twin Flame connection is harmonious or chaotic and full of problems is your energy vibration and your core beliefs.

If you are stuck, if you have limited belief structures and negative karma, it will prevent you from being in harmony with the Union you desire.

Energy attracts like energy. So, you have to raise your vibration.

If you are high vibrational, accepting and forgiving of yourself and others, and holding positive, loving beliefs, this keeps you in tune with many of these things, including harmony with your Twin Flame. This is why this journey is “magically” joyful for some Twin Flames. This is because of their personal energy vibration.

So, it’s all about energy. If you are holding a lot of negativity, you and your twin will be in a state of dissonance, you will drift apart… If you are in a high vibration, you will attract each other like magnets.

The sooner you realize you are an active creator of your journey and take action to work on your energy and mindset, the sooner you can make positive progress and change… If you continue to do the same things, you will continue to have the same results…


The universe is infinite. Your Twin Flame journey and connection are unique. No one else has the same energetic frequency as you and your twin. Your path may differ from others.

No matter what happens before, you can change your situation into harmony and love. How long it takes will depend on how much energy needs to change, but it is possible. These are the laws of energy.

If you’ve been struggling, the first thing to do is to accept that things may change for the better. Do not seek under the illusion that things will always be difficult. It’s just a perception. The universe is infinite.


You came here to be happy. In fact, you and your twin have preconceived all the circumstances of your life to allow you to come back together in love. The so-called “mission” of the Twin Flame is all about sharing love and bringing high vibrational energies to the earth. None of us have come here to suffer.

We all knew that once we got here, it would be our choice what to do with our lives.

Your Higher Self and your guides will do what they can to show you the direction you wanted before you came here, but they can never force you to do anything. The choice is always yours.

Willpower means that it is completely up to us whether we remain stuck in negativity or progress into the joy and harmony that our souls knew to be possible.

The Twin Flame connection is all about love. It’s that simple and complicated.

The reason it’s complicated is that human beings have a built-in way of thinking, everything has to be complicated. So we try to “understand”. It is in our culture and in our structures.

The truth is: You can have, be, and do anything you desire. It is simply a matter of shifting energy.

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