What does Divine Time mean for Twin Flames?

What does Divine Time mean for Twin Flames?

How do timelines and soul contracts impact your Twin Flame journey? Can you change your Divine Times to meet earlier?

What does Divine Time mean for Twin Flames?

The “Divine Time” is like what is often called “fate” or “the path of life” in common culture. These are the future manifestations that you have “aligned” and are heading towards.

For example, as a Twin Flame, your recognition would be “in your time” as something that happens at a particular point in your soul’s development.

However, contrary to common belief, our timelines are much more flexible and affected by our choices than we usually think!

Can you change your Divine Times?

Yes, simply, you can do it!

For the Twin Flames, this is an incredible thing to know. Nothing is set in stone, this is spiritual truth.

You yourself can use your energy, your emotions, your focus, your free will to shift your timeline to reach the Reunion with your Twin Flame sooner and to bring joy in many forms.

Remember that we are here to use our free will – the divine energy always supports us to find our way to our light, to co-create a life full of love, joy and happiness – including Twin Flame Union.

The more people live their happiness and find their way to a life full of love, the more we all help the planet and all who live on it. Your happiness and well-being are “what the universe wants!”

In short, the Divine Times and the experiences that connect us to our Twin Flame are all about the frequency of energy.

If your dominant frequency is low, you are aligned with the things on the lower level like frustration, anger, struggle, and so on.

The great thing is that being in a higher state of consciousness has a powerful impact on your timelines – love brings more love, and joy attracts more joy.

You can take steps to elevate your life path to the joy, love, and unity you truly desire and deserve.

Your family habits, education, ancestral programming

If you look around, you see that families have very similar lives. This is because they have stored the nearly same programs in their energy system.

When we set family programming aside, we can choose not to “repeat” the experiences of those who came before us.

For Twin Flames, this is essential knowledge, to choose to focus on yourself and your truth of love. Family programming can be a barrier to Twin Flame reunion.

Family programming matters in the timeline’s evolution and events. Being aware of all this is essential to get out of this situation.

Being aware of the underlying “pre-made” choices you’ve been putting in place throughout your life is a wonderful way to adjust your timelines to what serves you best. Awareness is the first step to change.

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