What does the number 69 symbolize for the Twin Flames?

What does the number 69 symbolize for the Twin Flames?

This symbol represents the key theme of the Twin Flame journey.

This number actually has a long mystical history, as it holds the keys to the deeper meaning of the universe.

Just like 8, the symbol of eternity 69 is also a sign of balance, harmony, and perfect compatibility. The eternal harmony of the universe.

Many cultures present their own meanings for this number. First, in the zodiac’s circle, the symbol of the sign Pisces (two fish symbolize them) and the symbol of the sign Cancer, are in the shape of 69.

The Cancer symbol means the free nature of emotions, going beyond surface boundaries. That means for Twin Flames, they are always connected, no matter how outwardly they appear.

For about the Pisces sign, many Pisces people have strong energies, and they are Empathetic, which means they are emotionally free-flowing and sensitive to feelings and can feel others.

There is an “openness” to the way they interact with others. So, Pisces shows the energetic gateway to unconditional love. Total openness means complete acceptance on a deeper and higher level.

The true free nature of the non-physical soul is the reality of this sign.

Perfect Opposites: Masculine vs. Feminine

In Eastern culture, 69 is Yin and Yang. The two opposing energies – Feminine and Masculine, Dark and Light, Expansion and Contraction, Giving and Receiving.

A perfect balance is created by two apparent oppositions meeting and creating harmony in the middle.

69 is the symbol of Yin and Yang which show us the mirror of reality. Cause and effect, intention and results. What we send out into the universe, and what we receive back.

Unlock Twin Flame Harmony

For the Twin Flames, the 69 symbol reminds us that there is a harmony to “unlock” in apparent contrasts. That you are different for a reason.

That you and your Mirror Soul complement each other perfectly, even in your oppositions and imperfections.

Very often, Twin Flames live their journey as opposites to learn from each other, balance each other, understand each other, and ultimately open up to the unconditional love that exists between them as souls, while remaining on earth with human bodies.

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