What is karma in twin flames?

What is karma in twin flames?

Karma is energetically an unhealed wound from the past. Because it involves trauma, karmic wound keeps your system in a state of distress over past experience, attracting “ghost” versions of the original trauma.

If you have a karmic wound around abandonment or betrayal, it will unfortunately affect your Divine time because your system unconsciously sends this “distress signal” that matches you with more or less the same.

This will attract “phantom” versions of abandonment and betrayal, most often in relation to your Twin Flame, as the twins have agreed to release and heal karmic wounds together.

The purpose of repeated negativity is not to hurt you, but your soul’s desire to help you heal the hurt and move past the trauma for good.

Karmic impacts on your Divine Times may include actual soul contracts with people you once knew – where your souls have agreed to come together in this lifetime to balance and resolve old negativity.

Many Twin Flames are scheduled to encounter “Karmic Twins” and “False Twins,” as their soul seeks to resolve significant karma before meeting their true divine partner.

Willingly resolving karma on your own will remove these sorts of “3D lesson learning connections” from your timelines and open you up to the Twin Flame reunion.

When you clear karma, you remove “repeated experiences” or “phantom traumas” that would otherwise continue to arise.

It also elevates your Twin Flame connection into a higher state of harmony, as old negativity does not exist between you and disrupts the connection.

What are your soul’s pre-life choices?

Before you were born, your soul and that of your twin collaborated during a long process to decide the priority areas for your future, the family you will be born into, what gender you will be, what key people you will meet throughout your life. …

These key decisions are often “marked” in your calendar and take into account the important developmental lessons that your soul wishes to experience. Common learning experiences are things like forgiveness, standing in your own truth, listening to your intuition…

Some things are “hardwired” by your soul into your timelines and are about to happen at some point. Like the first recognition event with your twin.

This means that your soul and your spiritual guides will maneuver to keep you behind the scenes until it happens.

However, soul choices scripted before life are sometimes adjusted as life goes on, because a person makes choices that “enhance” their experiences.

If someone tells you that you won’t get together, it’s not carved in stone. Your inner work can change your divine times in the long run.

If your Twin Flame is “unleashed” and you feel like you can’t get together, take a step back.

What is the role of the Cosmic energies?

Not only do we have individual timelines like a pair of Twin Flames, but humanity as a collective is constantly making choices, healing karma, raising consciousness, and shifting collective timelines.

Higher dimensional help is often given to push for an upliftment of consciousness for the Earth as a collective – and cosmic energies are a big part of that.

When you chose to be born as the person you are now, you chose the time you would be born, what energies you would produce, and most importantly you knew what cosmic triggers would affect you throughout life.

In fact, the universe is always trying to balance itself. So when we ourselves can achieve inner balance, when we clear old negativity that would otherwise be triggered, we can begin to enjoy life more. We achieve greater stability and a more enjoyable experience.

How to manifest your intentions?

You may already know that our purpose and intentions are powerful agents of manifestation. It’s true.

Above all, it is the sustained activation of a particular frequency that manifests something into reality.

If you can stay in the state (feeling/thoughts/focus) of love and oneness over time, you will attract experiences of love and oneness into your physical life.

In short, repeated thoughts and intentions are the manifestations that affect your life path. You can manifest the Twin Flame Reunion. You can manifest the work or income you desire. You really have that power.

The problem is that most of us are unable to truly be in that state of “having it now” if we don’t have it “now.” We are human beings, and our experience is so much about what we see, touch, and feel.

So if something is not there (yet), most of us find it very difficult to maintain this state of manifestation. So beware of what you leave in your system.

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