Throughout our lives, we see such a version of this world: A realism based on the standard experiences of others.
When we step into twin flame awakening and ascension, we are faced with the truth that things are not always as they seem. We encounter the realm of souls, the realm of infinity. Most twins’ meetings contain elements of what other “ordinary” people call the “supernatural.” You may have gotten used to the synchronicity, the repeated numbers, the songs that pop into your mind, and your chakras tingling every time your Twin Flame thinks of you.
But, don’t forget it, as your journey progresses and you get used to it.
Don’t forget how important this is and it shouldn’t stop there. We are on a journey from the limited human world to infinity. Twin Flames are always called to reevaluate what is possible. The truth is that anything is possible. The twins are called to be leaders in this regard and many will be deliberately shown experiences and connections that defy anything the others could ever explain with current theories.
During your journey, be aware of not being drawn into the limited and realistic world.
This will only block the progress of your journey. Don’t get entangled in collective energy fields: It can hold you back and anchor you in the same regular experiences of conflict and frustration that most human beings experience such as despair, conflict, fear, and loneliness. Society is full of people who focus on problems and limitations. When we align with something, we invite it more. We are energetic beings and we are always interacting with the energies of those around us. Don’t lose the “magic” that brought you here in the first place.
Your way of loving is not to be discussed!
Love is an action, a feeling, an energy, an interaction. When we focus on just talking about love, with others and not our twin flames, we distort our connection.
The love between the Twin Flames is an alchemy.
If you can’t communicate with them, then go to their soul. Talk to their Higher Self. Interact with them, let them kiss you, hold you, love you, and show you what’s going on.
Love should happen between you and your divine partner and not be something to discuss with your friends and acquaintances. Relationships, where one or the other person is more closely involved with strangers than their Twin Flame, are rarely satisfying.
If you are afraid then you have even more reason to open up because fear is a blockage. Let the infinite Self of your Twin Flame love you. Show them how you feel.
Step away from the analytical mind and human desire to understand love.
Love is something we do and feel. You cannot think of your way of loving. Can you feel it?
It is the feeling, the energy that makes us shine with happiness, that lifts us up.
The experience of love is like exploding stars, butterflies of light in darkness. Do, act, feel, send, sing, enjoy more love! Your twin flame is waiting for you to unlock your whole experience in a higher dimension.