Can Twin flames live without expectations?

Can Twin flames live without expectations?

When we, as twin flames, believe that we are all alone. We close our energy field of help.
Many twin flames are heading towards the choice of forever:
1.Waiting for the right astrological movement or to have the perfect moment.

2.Waiting for their twin to, miraculously, change, or for the higher realms to play their roles.

Unfortunately, some twin flames wait decades with very little change. It is not because the Universe was punishing them, or that they didn’t deserve enough love.

In fact, their energies were, simply, not aligned together.

It was not a match. If you’ve been waiting a long time, try something different. When you move on to a new action, you always get new results. If you can open yourself to the idea of a loving Universe that shows your blocks so that you can move towards more love and happiness…

Or even better, that you decide and have the power to make your romantic union a reality.

This will help you show more support, more help, more joy, more love. Many twin flames believe that the Universe, other people, or outside forces are keeping them apart. They see it is up to the “higher realms” to decide, whether or not, they should unite.

It’s wrong. We can always get help, but no one is going to fix things for us.

If we ourselves don’t take action, we end up trying to manifest from a place of fear and limitation. In this frequency range, love is out of reach. To have the Reunion you want, you must align with love. You cannot manifest love from a place of fear.

In fact, you and your Twin are unique individuals, and you can create your own rules of love and life.
You don’t need to follow someone else’s Twin Flame rules. You are the Co-Creator of your destiny. So you don’t need anyone to predict what your twin flame is feeling, because you can communicate with them yourself.

You can follow your own inner voice;

And do exactly what’s best for you and you don’t need anyone else to describe your future to you. But if you’ve asked for help, the question is, are you open to listening? Are you open to action on the advice you will receive? The path you have chosen is one where someone else cannot create it for you.

Now what you can do is ask for help, advice, and support.

You can ask and research, learning from people whose goals align with yours. People who can make you learn how exactly you can achieve your goals. You can also use the same positive aspects as the people who inspire you, see what works for you, and pass on the methods that will get you where you want to go.

In fact, you cannot move forward properly until you do the necessary inner work.

Someone else can offer suggestions, find the right information… But, they can’t experience these things for you. The reason we all came here to earth was to give love, to experience love, and to feel love. And we get to do it, to experience paradise on earth, to create our reality, and to embrace our infinite nature.

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