How does the union occur between the twin flames runner and chaser?

How does the union occur between the twin flames runner and chaser?

There are many twins who meet, and from the start their conditions are favorable. So they unite easily. But, others are under difficult circumstances. And yet, they cannot leave or forget each other, so the separation can take years. But they end up being together. However, there are those who cannot understand this kind of relationship, so problems between the two appear and in the end, the runner leaves to avoid more heartache.

Here, one of them has a spiritual awakening.

When the chaser feels awake, they will surely wonder why they thought that way and decide to let go. The runner will think why they left the other. They will understand. An awakening shows that you are thinking according to what this physical world offers. And when you want to organize your life, let the light in. Your bridge is your heart. If your relationship fails from the beginning, know that the reason is your way of thinking. You need spiritual cultivation now. The problem is sometimes that you cannot forget this person. And, at the same time, you want to achieve an awakening.

So what does a spiritual awakening mean here?

It is your intention to move towards your spiritual side, to learn more about your spiritual energy, and to be able to hold the light and move forward able to see everything clearly. This way, you will overcome any negative energy, review everything that is happening, and calm down. Do not hesitate, make your spiritual awakening so that you can understand your relationship with each other and the kind of connection you have together.

Those who were united from the beginning feel such a strange feeling when they meet for the first time.

You too had the same feeling, however, they kept the faith, and they did not put negative thoughts in the middle. Because they understand how the laws of attraction work. So they have let no doubt enter their aura. The problem, with the runner and the chaser, is from the start. Their thinking is based on perplexity, hesitation, and fear. Love is the most sublime feeling in this existence, so if you feel it in yourself and in others, that’s it, listen to the call of your heart. And you will never regret. Be clear and direct with yourself, if you see that your relationship is becoming between a runner and a chaser, start your own spiritual awakening from this moment.

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