How to know if there is a blockage in your Twin Flame relationship?

How to know if there is a blockage in your Twin Flame relationship?
If you are looking for differences and problems, all you will find in this area are more differences, more problems, and more things to blame the other for.

As a soul, what can you learn from your human experience?

Some twin flames have deliberately chosen difficult circumstances for themselves, as a learning experience and this is to discover in the human experience that, Love is the key that will unlock all pain. You can love a person unconditionally. You can change their life with true love.

All human beings want to love and be loved.

This is why you came here. Most human beings feel unloved and this is the reason behind addictions and hurtful behaviors. However, when you love someone infinitely, unconditionally, you unlock their inner light.

The intention of love will play its role.

So those you love will feel it. And with Twin Flames who are energetically identical beings, the energy of unconditional love unlocks the inner blockage and creates a portal to union. The most powerful way that will help you improve your Twin Flame connection is to set the intention that all blame should go. You can forgive because it untangles you from the past. Otherwise, you will keep the same version of yourself repeatedly.

No cosmic intervention, or incoming energies, can cause the abrupt manifestation of one Twin Flame blaming the other. So both can be at an impasse. For two infinite beings with a frequency lock, one of them must end it. As your base frequencies are the same, and you are equally powerful, you have the power to block each other, just as you have this same power to unite in love.

So, what will really help you is ‘learning to forgive’:

By ensuring a good connection with the higher aspect of your soul, during meditation for example. There are many spiritual people who are more interested in laying blame than looking for solutions. Listen to your own signs and messages. Be faithful to love. Look for love, be in love. Whatever you can use to tune into love, use it. You are here for love. Peel off the outer layers of human negativity and change your life towards the version that truly is you.

You must move forward on your own path because you deserve to follow this happiness, the twin flames.
In order not to regret anything along the path of your life, try to always listen to your energy before deciding on something. All information has a vibration, so if you don’t feel like you’re listening to a Twin Flame advice, walk away. Because, you, always, have the right to say no. Remember the truth that you can make this journey your own way.

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