How to Tell if This Person is a Twin Flame or a Narcissist

How to Tell if This Person is a Twin Flame or a Narcissist

Many are looking and hoping for their twin flame to come into their lives. Many ask, “Are they my twin flame?” “Is that true?” Twin flames are still rare on planet Earth. They represent a new model of love.
The Twin Flame advances everyone’s consciousness, and it can be a difficult journey. Many confuse the twin flame spiritual journey with narcissism.

So how do you know if this person is your true twin flame or if you’ve just been with a narcissist?
At first, you will have a much clearer idea of the type of connection you are in. You feel a deep spiritual connection with this person. You feel like they might be the one.

You feel you’ve known this person from a past life. Somehow, you feel a deep spiritual and soulful connection. You can’t stop thinking about them. They seem to run away from your connection but always come back. The connection seems unbreakable. You are sure that you will be connected to this person forever. You are sure that this person is meant to be in your life for the rest of your life. People experience these feelings and this type of connection with their twin flames, but they also experience this type of connection with a narcissist.

So how do you know the difference?

Narcissists are deeply wounded and damaged souls. They have been so devastated, usually early in childhood, that they completely disconnect from their true nature in order to survive, and they create a false self to represent themselves to the world. A person like this cannot connect to their true self. Their inner life was disconnected and closed off. They then look outside themselves for vital energy and nourishment for existence, because they have closed themselves off from their own existence.

A person like this is so adept at presenting their false self to the world, that they can imitate everything they know you desire.
A person like this will love to make you feel on top of the world, they will mimic your spiritual depth and present to you exactly what you are looking for and hoping for in love. They will make you believe they are, for example, your soul mate, you have the same life path, the same spiritual intentions, and you come from the same soul family.

And because it’s exactly what you want, you’ll believe it.

Until the narcissist shows their true colors. They can’t maintain their false pretense of self for too long in a connected relationship, and all illusions crumble. That’s when you question them, and they get worse. Quickly, the connection degrades into one of manipulation and control. And even though you see clearly, you still hold on to all you experienced and the feeling that it was true love. You all get caught up and have anxiety, and you don’t know what’s going on. You even think that something is wrong with you.

In fact, a long time ago, these narcissists could not find food for their souls within, so they will find it without – outside themselves – and will do anything to get it, or else, they do not exist and they have no power.

So, again, how do you know the difference? How do you recognize your runner twin flame or a narcissist?

The KEY to this is to tune in – “Do they really care about my feelings?” Your twin flame will take action if they are not yet spiritually ready to enter this highly agitated connection, if they still have work to do before they can be with you. In fact, your twin flame will still truly love you and care about you and your feelings, even if they can’t be around you.

Narcissists Don’t Care About Your Feelings:

They cannot do this because they are so disconnected and damaged internally. They will feed off controlling you, manipulating you lying to you, cheating on you, and all the negative emotional charge they cause you. This makes them feel worth something because they can see that they have a powerful impact on you, which makes them feel like they have power and value. It’s truly sad and horrible, but it’s the path of a damaged and broken soul.

The most important thing is you – that you realize the difference between true love and manipulation, a twin flame and a narcissist.
And if you’ve been caught up in one of these lost souls, run as soon as you can. They will destroy you, no matter how strong and understanding you are. Remember, you were only chosen because you are an empath, an authentic soul with a desire for true divine love. Forgive yourself and leave. Remember that planet Earth is in spiritual evolution. Twin flames are a rare pattern.

Don’t expect it and don’t look for it in everyone you meet.

If you meet your twin flame in this life, consider it a miracle. Don’t make it an expectation. Or lost souls will sense your unfulfilled desires, and will continue to pretend to you what you are looking for, and you will continue to be caught in this cycle of illusion and these false patterns of love. Go deep within yourself, find SELF-LOVE. Find the kind of love you seek within yourself first, so that you don’t look for it outside yourself and do not attract illusions of love.

Do whatever you need to do, go deep inside yourself:

Heal your own wounds, your own lack of self-esteem, learn to love yourself without another, learn to approve of yourself so as not to need confirmation or support from someone else, only then will you clean your energy, so you can attract something authentic and true. Wishing you a safe journey, finding self-love deep within, attracting your true soul family, and true love.

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