Twin Flame Healing

Twin Flame Healing
How important is healing for twin flames? How could healing happen?
The first thing you need to know is that if you want to be happy, make sure, you have to attract happiness from inside you, from inside your physical body, because happiness is in this life. Never by closing your eyes and imagining, or waiting for it in the future, or bringing it back from the past. It’s in this present moment.

In fact, one must understand the importance of this physical world, and the effect of the spiritual energy system.
But, know that you come into this life to experience happiness, here, in this physical world and not the spiritual world. Happiness comes from within and not from without. It means waiting for someone to call you or even seeing them means looking for happiness outside of yourself. And it’s not happiness. Can you answer these two questions:

Why do you want to marry your twin flame?

What do you want from them in this physical life?

Think and let your desires rise to the surface. Say and discover what you want most for yourself. Since you hid them in your subconscious for a long time, now you see them clearly in your conscious mind. If you are aware of this, listen! No matter what those desires are, you don’t deserve to react to yourself like that.

Often your desires are not real, they only bring you temporary joy.
For example, you see the person you love for a certain moment, you feel so happy. Then you leave and everything goes back to normal, as if nothing had happened. So, it’s not happiness you’re looking for, it’s not real. Because, if that were the case, it lasts. Do you want it to last, how? OK! You see each other, you talk to each other! But why is this joy not real? Quite simply, it’s because it’s not real. It’s fiction. Even if you love yourself, you feel the moment, but inside you don’t feel comfortable, so it’s not happiness.

Now what can you do? Seek your happiness! What can really let it last?
You need to know that, even if your twin flame is near or far, engaged with another or not, or you come back together, it will be the same. If you are not at inner peace, nothing will change. Healing is therefore the only way. This equivalence must be done first. For union to occur between twin flames, self-reconciliation must first take place.

You want to reconcile with your twin, so reconcile with yourself first.
Because they are your self, your twin and your soul. It’s the only way. Or there will be flames in your heart, anyway, whether your twin is with you or not. When they leave you, and the separation will become runner and chaser, you feel like a child, you want that person again and again. Therefore, there must be healing. You must learn the importance of letting go. You take this decision seriously. And, it must come from within. If your life is stuck because of this person.

So why restrict yourself? If you want to be together, healing has to happen.
The truth is that if you achieve true love, you unite. Twin flames are able to teach each other about life, about how to be real, how to be stable, how to love, how to be at peace and happy from within. This inner balance means that you attract happiness from the inside, and never from the outside. How? Through self-reconciliation and healing. If you are looking for peace, don’t think too much, inner peace only comes with healing. The twin flame union only begins with a union with oneself.

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