What does it mean to have met the Twin Flame?

What does it mean to have met the Twin Flame?
The Chaser is a person ready to give everything for their twin flame, even sacrifices. But, the runner looks for and finds excuses to leave the other.
Between the two, there are vibrations. The chaser must awaken. And that means, simply, they must decide to let go. Maybe, you are a twin flame and you didn’t know it. This high energy inside you, even if you don’t notice it, it exists.

This can confront you with complicated relationships, and you may ask “why my partner left, or why everything is the same, or why I always encounter the same situations.”

You don’t know the real reason. You can say that “this is my destiny”. No, it is, in fact, your energy. One day you may meet your twin flame. And perhaps because of events, dreams, signs, something changes inside you. And you, unconsciously, are guided towards the meaning of the twin flame.

Something feels warm inside you. You didn’t feel like this before.
It is neither love nor desire. It’s recognition, and you are being honest and true to yourself more than ever. This bond that you don’t see, you feel it. The first moments with your twin flame are like a dream. Whereas, afterwards, it is not the 5D to talk about souls and eternity. We are in the physical dimension. We are not alone. There is an entire world around us. There can also be infinite thoughts inside us.

Your twin may leave you suddenly. You don’t want to, but they did.
You behave normally when you are looking for them, with lots of madness. And you are looking for answers to all the questions in your head. Here is the great lesson we must face. You love them, but you love yourself first. You love them, but you come to this earth alone from the start. You had parents, friends and a whole society. And you go through so many experiences. Maybe, big challenges and you win in the end. Don’t say, no, it’s a yes, you win all the challenges, and the proof is that you are “present” at this moment.

However, does your twin flame mean another big challenge?
No, love is a gift, experiencing eternal love even for a short period is a gift. And here we got new information. Doesn’t that mean strong and pure energy? So having ideas and energy is a force. It can create a new person in you or destroy you further. The past is in the past. And that’s the truth. When you decide to forgive yourself and others, when you decide to learn and follow inspiring people. When you realize, you know, you have your 24 hours, you can rearrange them, you make the perfect plan for your day. You discover that you have a lot to do.

Often you find new talents within yourself that you are not aware of and that can change your life.
When positive change occurs, you will find yourself in a new environment. A beautiful spiritual energy that you feel it warm supports you. It is your inner connection with your soul. “Now, was this person, my twin flame, a light that helped me see my true self and that’s it? Or should we be together in this life? You are together as souls. And, you have the right to be together as bodies. But above all, you must make the right decisions.
Without learning to follow the heart, one cannot find inner peace. And that means being with the twin flame is not the happy life. The heart can worry about other things. So ultimately, reorganize your inner energy and see life through your soul and follow the path that gives you peace, and you will find love. True positive energy attracts like energy.

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