What is your experience with twin flames?

With your twin flame, you will experience true love.

Here on earth, we have a strange perception of what love is, or perhaps that we are there for another person when things get difficult. In fact, people often confuse several other things with love: attachment, dependence, fear of being alone, loyalty, sympathy, and even pity. In all honesty, the love that most human beings experience is just a small part of love, mixed with many other complicating factors and lower vibrational energies.

True love in its essence is much more than that – that is what Twin Flames share.

Unconditional love is a powerful energetic force. Unfortunately, most humans are too busy to feel it properly – however, Unconditional Love connects Twin Flames. The connection of the heart between Twin Flame is a portal of unconditional love from one to the other. As souls, there is only Love between Twin Flames, and the difficulty is that anything that is out of alignment with this love and obscures it, is pushed to be released.

Imagine how many human beings on earth are currently in relationships with people they don’t really love and who are forced to be with them.

This is considered normal – unhappy marriages, being together because of finances or children. Our society doesn’t really believe that love is real. As twin flames, we experience a love that transcends all earthly limitations – and as we move further into Ascension, more of this love passes through us. So, this is your time to enjoy the true beauty of love and existence. When you meet your Twin Flame and experience awakening, you realign with your Soul.

Along this path, you become more attuned to your intuitive gifts.

Memories unravel, and visions of past life appear through dreams and meditations. You are no longer that “just human being”. You become a soul in a body. Deep down, you now know why you are here on earth, you know who your Twin Flame is, and you somehow know the meaning of it all. Even if you can’t fully describe it in words.

You understand the paradoxical wonder of it all:

This planet with all its complexities of nature and people, and the wonders of existing like this on a small, rotating, one-of-a-kind planet. Life is a miracle – we have gotten used to it. The veil has been placed over our eyes. But Twin Flames lift the veil once again and experience life as the miracle that it truly is.

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