Can twin flame runners explain how they feel?
Navigating the path of a Twin Flame connection is a profound journey, and often misunderstood is the experience of the “runner” Twin Flame. Contrary to a common misconception, finding happiness after running from a Twin Flame is not as simple as it might seem.
The act of running from a Twin Flame is, in essence, a denial of a fundamental aspect of oneself. Paradoxically, the further one distances themselves, the more profound the pain and agony become. The inner resistance blocks the feelings of unconditional love towards the divine partner and consumes immense energy, leading to persistent frustration for the runner.
Running from a Twin Flame involves a conscious effort to ignore and suppress emotions. Yet, the attempt to bury these feelings is useless, as thoughts of the Twin Flame persistently haunt the runner, making forgetting an impossible feat.
The turning point for the runner Twin Flame arrives when they decide to embrace and open their heart to the undeniable truth of their feelings. It’s a transformative journey that involves accepting unconditional love, and as the fear of experiencing this love dissipates, healing begins.
Encountering a Twin Flame is extraordinary, representing a unique opportunity to bask in the glow of unconditional love. Once the runner comprehends the incredible emotional connection, the desire to perpetually revel in this love becomes undeniable.
In such a connection, external circumstances, such as a partner’s existing marriage, can complicate matters. The longing to be together persists, even when obstacles like a Karmic relationship stand in the way.
Moving on from a Twin Flame is difficult, but finding happiness amid the challenges is an achievable feat. Trusting in the inevitability of being together, the journey becomes an exercise in learning to embrace joy while patiently awaiting the destined union.