Could they be my false twin flame?

Could they be my false twin flame?
There is no such thing as a “False Twin Flame”. Either you are a Twin Flame, or you are not.

If you are working on healing, peeling back layers of Matrix programming, seeking truth and working on ascension, and working on becoming the best and highest version of yourself, then perhaps you are a Twin Flame. Your soul will know the answer.

The person you are calling your “Twin Flame” is there to trigger your innermost traumas and childhood wounds so that you do the healing and the inner work, heal, and ascend.

In most of Twin Flame’s journeys, people work on healing and growing during separation. You want to achieve Inner Union. This is the goal. To come into alignment with your soul, your heart, and the Divine energy.

The Twin Flame journey is NOT a Matrix relationship. Many Twins are usually in relationships with other people – because of Matrix programming. And if there is an enormous difference between the two, one twin may run instead of being with the one they truly love. Each of them would be aligning with society’s expectations instead of the heart.

Your Inner Being is your Twin Flame. This is who you want to come into union with. There is never a time when you shouldn’t be able to feel them. Get a present with yourself. Seek a connection with yourself. Don’t worry about your twin as they are walking their journey and facing challenges. Focus on you. You are all that matters.

However, if you doubt even for a little if they could be your false Twin Flame, ask yourself these questions: Have you discovered or are you searching for your life’s purpose? Are you actively involved in healing others because of this connection? Are you manifesting the best for yourself? These are questions that Twin Flames typically have no difficulty answering.

As mentioned before, a person is either your true Twin Flame or not. The chances of mistaking someone as your Twin Flame are relatively low. Twin Flames have a unique aura surrounding their connection, carefully orchestrated by the divine. Their interactions occur on two different levels—one through words and the other on a soul level, with vibrations emanating from the heart chakra that both can feel.

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