Have you ever met your twin flame?
In most of the cases, the encounter with our twin flame happens first. While being unaware of the twin flame concept.
As human beings, we are not “looking for” our twin flames, nor we are “SEARCHING” FOR THEM, to be with them.
But once we encounter our twin, we recognize each other on the soul level. We are not aware of our connection in the physical life yet. Then we awaken, perplexed.
And then we DISCOVER the twin flame journey, and we are experiencing it right now. We feel the intensity of the connection, go through pain, and when we realize that this is an extraordinary thing. This is a special connection we have with this person, which is called TWIN FLAME CONNECTION.
We never searched for it! We became AWARE OF IT.
It is about DISCOVERING that we are part of the BIG DIVINE PLAN.
If there was a choice to make, no one would choose this journey on their own.
There is no reason for anyone to want a twin flame willingly. If one would understand what the twin flame journey is about, no soul wanting to have a nice conventional life on earth would ask for it.
If at all anyone is willingly wanting to have a twin flame, it is merely coming from the fascination they have for this concept, like there is another half of your soul who is your mirror.
Most of the twin flames have gone through quite a bit of a twin flame journey before they came to know about the twin flame concept. And later they identified it as a twin flame connection.
Twin Flame Journey is about a specific mission that certain souls have chosen to do before they even incarnate here.