How can you be sure you are at the end of the twin flame journey?

How can you be sure you are at the end of the twin flame journey? How can you know you experienced everything as a twin flame, and you are healed?

The end of the “twin flame” journey, or the beginning of enlightenment, starts when you think your twin flame is like another regular person in your life.

You let go of the love and affection for them.

You would see all their weaknesses, same as their strengths.

You would no longer be eager to be with them for the rest of your life.

Instead, you feel a familiarity with this person. When you recall everything they have done and said to you, you are completely forgiving them.

All the emotion being triggered was your hidden thoughts, neglected feelings, suppressed energy, or simply the wounds pending to be healed, and somehow the chemical effects had been initialized, and your soul was alchemized and transformed into the best version of you.

Now your focus is on yourself first.

By releasing your twin flame from your heart and mind, you also released your hidden thoughts and all of your unhealed wounds.

You now have plenty of time to learn and grow.

You stay in the PRESENCE to attract all the clues subtly into your subconscious.

You start to have visions or hear the divine truth, that you did not understand their meaning at the time you received those messages.

All those random messages you hear in your head eventually construct a beautiful story that is relevant to your current situation and give you divine guidance.

Your desire for physical and material gratification also diminishes, and you wonder why you used to spend your time chasing what your soul doesn’t need.

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