How do you know you are at the end of the separation phase of a twin flame journey?

How do you know you are at the end of the separation phase of a twin flame journey?

Separation can only end when you have achieved inner union and surrendered. No running or chasing, and no anger. You hold space for them and have unconditional love in your heart. This part of the journey is difficult because you want to run thinking about protecting yourself, you are looking for your balance again. You will feel you are mature spiritually. You should be on your mission. There is so much to contribute to raising the vibration of humanity. Focus on your passion and creativity.

Your dreams represent your subconscious. Your dreams will tell you, you have more work to do if they run in the dreams or when you look for them and can’t find them.

You will have a divine intervention to bring you together.

You will not block the other anymore. And they will be more open about their feelings for you.

Their lives may still seem messy, and they are still in that 3D state of mind, but that’s okay.

You will also feel more in love because they are in love with you. When they feel safe, they will start telling you that they love you. At this point, you know the separation is coming to an end.

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