If energy flows where thoughts go, then how would be your twin flame's feelings?

If energy flows where thoughts go, then how would be your twin flame’s feelings?

If you can’t get them out of your mind, then neither can they. But the problem here is that you are focusing on them, and therefore, via your shared soul, they are also focusing on themselves. What you are doing is energetically chasing. Your twin flame will then run if they aren’t already.

Focus on the union of your shared soul. This will keep them thinking about the union between you because it’s neither about them nor you, it’s about both of you.

So how to stop thinking so much about your twin flame? How finally accept that it may never be anything more than what it is?

This happens when you successfully enter the Surrender stage. It’s when you stop wondering, fighting, wishing and just accept it as it is for the moment and leave everything to the divine timing.

You’ll be thinking of your twin flame, but it won’t hurt or make you sad. It’s more about wishing they are happy wherever they are.

Now, how can you make the difference between thinking about your twin flame and feeling them?

First, thinking comes from the mind, then the Ego self.

And the feeling comes from the soul.

Thinking involves ifs, buts, wondering what they must be doing. How they behaved in the past, memories, good things, and bad things, contemplation about what they said, why and how, doubting them, their intentions, expecting some action from them and thinking about it, judgment about their behavior, message, trying to know what’s happening in their lives, are they happy or unhappy, who are they with? Are they sad, wondering if they are missing you, thinking about you, wondering if they love you?

However, feeling involves a Pure feeling of unconditional love, a sense of blissful moments, a feeling of being home with them, sensing their energy around you, sensing them sexually, energetically, hearing (telepathically, psychically) them saying I love you and I am with you. Feeling their presence all around you all the time even when your mind is engaged in other activities. Blissful love, elevated experience in your heart when you feel them there.

When you feel them – there is no judgment, no logic, no reasoning, no analysis.

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