The Kundalini's awakening on the twin flame journey?

The Kundalini’s awakening on the twin flame journey?

Kundalini awakening is the manifestation of the sacred energy lying dormant in all human beings. It is not just for twin flames.
However, twin flames are gifted with the awakening of Kundalini because of the encounters with their counterparts, be it through physical touch, eye contact, and sometimes through telepathy and dreams. People who are not twin flames have to undergo an exhausting process of trauma.

How is Kundalini significant in the twin flame journey?

Usually one of the counterparts (the spiritual twin) experiences Kundalini rising and since both of them share the same chakra system it may have an impact on the other twin as well. That’s why, twins can heal their counterparts by healing themselves.

Why is Kundalini awakening important?

Kundalini awakening is very crucial for ascension and enlightenment. Kundalini helps the awakened twin flame burn their ego, let go of their illusions, and drop all the 3D patterns. They become more and more aware of higher consciousness as the Kundalini rises from root to crown chakra.

Would this have an impact on the counterparts even though they are unawakened and Kundalini is not activated in them?

May be not the same as the awakened one. But it helps them progress towards illumination and hence get awakened at some point. They get their Kundalini triggered after a certain time, as this plays a crucial role in the twin flame union.

Why is Kundalini important for the union?

Union happens in 5 levels. Physical, etheric, emotional, causal, and spiritual levels. For the twins to come into union with each other, first, one has to attain inner union on an individual level, which means all these 5 levels have to be in alignment. Kundalini Awakening exactly does that.

Kundalini also helps in bringing out “gifts” which help twin flames fulfill their soul mission. These gifts play an important role in fulfilling our soul mission.

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