What does the Twin Flame Divine Masculine Runner experience?

What does the Twin Flame Divine Masculine Runner experience?

Often, we empathize with the Divine Feminine because they are perceived as the one who has lost something, and the pain of the Divine Masculine remains overlooked. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that both are in equal pain.

When the two twin flames meet, the emotions are incredibly intense. The Divine Masculine (runner) also has a strong desire for a profound connection with someone who can love them immensely. Maybe, they had loved someone, experienced a breakup, and decided not to fall in love again.

Eventually, they encounter the love of their life, their twin flame. Initially, they believe this connection will be similar to their past ones. However, they gradually realize that this story is different. They start falling for their twin flame.

Fear and confusion set in. A part of them is overjoyed to find someone like the Divine Feminine, but another part is scared. They fear a repetition of history, afraid of getting hurt again. Consequently, they keep their feelings hidden but show enough love to satisfy the Divine Feminine’s soul, leading to mixed signals. They become confused about their feelings. The conflicting emotions drive them to madness because they can’t imagine life without their twin. They miss them every hour of the day.
They attempt to distance themselves, convincing themselves that they can live without their twin. They may say hurtful things, focus on their job, or engage with a new person. However, they soon realize that the new person is not right for them, experiencing heartbreak and pain. They acknowledge their foolishness in ruining such a strong connection, feeling selfish. Yet, their ego prevents them from reaching out again.

As the runner drifts away, they find it impossible to forget the Divine Feminine; they are always on their mind, just as the runner is in their thoughts. When their life is shattered by a third party, they experience even greater despair, realizing the depth of the Divine Feminine’s love and recalling the hurtful actions they committed. This realization brings shame and guilt.

The guilt transforms into feelings of unworthiness. They question why the other loves them despite their flaws. Fearful of facing their twin flame, they wonder if forgiveness is possible and whether they will be accepted or rejected. In fear of exacerbating the pain, they refrain from contacting the Divine Feminine.

This marks the beginning of their awakening, with angels always by their side. Despite realizing that they need to sort out aspects of their life and be ready for the deep connection, the runner takes time before coming back with a transformed personality, leading to the union of the twin flames.

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