What has caused you the most sadness in your twin flame journey?

What has caused you the most sadness in your twin flame journey?

While the twin flame path is one of self-discovery and soul development, it is also a path of understanding unconditional love. Both paths occur at the same time and can be very messy and inconvenient. How we deal with the messes and inconveniences determines how we experience our journey.

True love is simple and pure, yet entirely complicated at times. However, it is an unconditional love.

And then, unconditional love isn’t just about loving your twin; but also yourself. Loving someone doesn’t require you to self-disrespect who you are as a soul. You can just let them go and trust the process. Unconditional love is sometimes walking away from your twin but loving them in their absence.

Your twin flame is the only person who can reach into you and draw out the best and worst of you. You become a better person by encountering them. Your twin flame is the key.

The separation and the lack of communication may hurt so much, everyone will feel it and describe it in their way until you accept, and you feel you have no choice, but to end it. For some unawakened twin flames, this connection may even be the kind of love that seems unreal.

So how could it be easy for you to talk about it with anyone else, if your twin flame is not understanding you? You may go through a lonely and confusing state. And maybe no one around you can understand the nature of the connection, it can be a period of absolute silence.

This is the starting point where you hear all your thoughts and inner voice. All the true twin flames decide at a certain moment to let go of the sadness and refocus their energy on the things that will bring them happiness. You will see yourself from the inside, you will rediscover your talents. For example, you may feel a desire to write, draw, exercise, or meditate… Using your creativity, you try to incorporate your twin flame into it. They become your inspiration. Just by thinking positively about your twin flame, you are the best version of yourself.

Sometimes, you are the source of your own sadness on your journey when you allow your expectations, fears, and attachments and you listen to them.

At that moment, you become sad and doubtful. You feel alone again. And then, after a short while, you regain faith when you feel your twin flame within your soul.

The twin flame journey is a path full of guidance from your soul, your twin flame’s soul, and your guides. You are not alone at all. Once you understand that, you will start your spiritual awakening and there will be a lot of self-discovery in the way.

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