What is the most important proof that the person I am thinking of is my twin flame?

What is the most important proof that the person I am thinking of is my twin flame?

The experience comes first, before you’ve even heard of twin flames, and includes a brief encounter with intense paranormal experiences with this person. Twin flame connections are energetic and take place in 5D. Both have an intense opening of their shared chakra systems. Both enter into an altered state of consciousness as their heart chakras open and Kundalini rises. The twin flames feel intense bliss, so much so that It is a shock. This is the bubble love stage.

The first meeting is intense, brief, and very surprising because you feel like you know them but you don’t remember when and how. But somehow you feel you are divinely guided to meet them.

Most Twin Flames have never heard before about this label, but with a certain divine timing, they know it.

The whole twin flame encounter is an intense paranormal phenomenon guided by the divine.

During the bubble phase all sorts of paranormal things will happen, synchronicities take place that are shocking. This is so powerfully rare and strange it will shock you to your core.

This is not a relationship, this is a spiritual connection that will connect you both in 5D. Once the activation happens, you become aware of the connection.

Then it is hard, Things you thought you had dealt with come up again to finally clear away. It is not easy, but it has to be done.

If this is actually a twin flame, don’t worry about union. That is an overused term. Union is the connection. Your time on earth is brief, soothe your soul and work on your shadow side.

The soul is eternal, you share your soul blueprint with this person. Try to relax about the connection. It is eternal. Usually not in 3D, you have different experiences for a reason. If you are really a twin flame, work on yourself. Find your best version, be a light, and attract what it deserves to be in your life.

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