What should I do during the twin flame separation phase?

 What should I do during the twin flame separation phase?

Twin flame separation is an integral part of the twin flame journey, there to allow both twin flames to adapt to the current situation between them. There is a spiritual partner, while the other is less spiritual, called the ‘matrix’ twin flame. The spiritual twin flame will be more advanced on their journey. It would be a mistake to wait for their matrix twin flame, or to pull them along with them.

Each person has their path, twin flame or not, and their journey to make. Twin flames are separated because they can’t be in this part of their journey together. One may wish to while the other maybe can not. So they will deny the connection. Rather, this matrix twin flame will try to continue with their 3D journey, ignoring their inner feelings and turmoil, denying their twin flame. This must be with no interference by their spiritual twin flame until they come to their awakening, completely of their own accord.

In the meantime, you, the spiritual twin flame, need to continue with your journey! You can’t just stop your progress, waiting for your matrix twin flame. The separation will have provided you with valuable experiences which can give you enlightenment. Whether you are a twin flame or not, you have been given a valuable soul experience that should not go in vain. Continue with your spiritual work in separation, understanding that when the time is right, your twin flame, and you will meet again through your subconscious soul connection. That will be soon enough for this meeting. Until then, just work on yourself. Follow your path, with the experience and knowledge you have gained from this journey, helping others along the way where you can.

Your twin flame journey never stops. But if you go through many phases of separation, continue in your way, growing more and more. When you are not with your twin flame, look for opportunities to spiritually advance in this way. That’s what you should be doing during separation.

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