Can you lose feelings for your twin flame?
For romantic feelings, Yes, because romantic feelings come and go. They fade with time just the way normal romantic relationships are. Every twin flame knows how it feels to feel obsessive emotions for a twin flame. They fade whenever you surrender and let your twin flame have their space.
Underneath all that physical romantic drama, there is a Sacred Spiritual Awakening process taking place within you. You feel things; telepathy in the form of energetic and mental communication. You feel constant energy merging. You have to snap yourself out of daydreaming because you remember feeling immense inner peace and harmony in their presence.
A twin flame completes you in so many unspoken ways. You have a way with each other that nobody else understands. You know within you that your life will never be the same again. You will never love anyone else as much as you love your twin flame. You feel your twin flame embedded in the fabric layers of your being. You can never ignore the presence of that feeling of Soul Oneness and intimacy between you. You are your twin flame and your twin flame is you. You just surrender and let go when you are not ready or your twin isn’t for a union. No matter how much your feelings are, you will end up deciding to give space to your twin flame and the most important for you is seeing them living happily.