How can I get my twin flame off my mind?
We cannot stop ourselves from thinking of our twin flame. We can try to get them out of our minds by getting together with other people, traveling, doing our mission, and having fun. But nothing changes the reality that you and your twin are connected so deeply that you feel their presence all the time. They are an energetic part of yourself.
Do you remember what happened when you met your twin flame for the first time? You bonded with them instantly, as if you knew them forever. It is from the first moment, without being able to explain why, you told yourself: this is the one! Your love became so huge that the ego dissolved immediately. You felt the energetic merge as a vision of you interacting out of your physical bodies.
However, if separation happens, and you think they become out of your energy field, you can receive visions and telepathic encounters again as if you are not separated. It is as if your energetic bodies have a parallel life with them that you can only access now and then when you are in the right vibration.
If logic cannot explain the intensity of this connection, how could it explain the constant thinking? It can’t. And there is no reason to try to explain. We seek explanations because we want to be better prepared. We don’t need to seek protection.
The reason you probably want to stop thinking about your twin flame is because the physical reality doesn’t bring you closer and because you want to move on, and be in love with someone with whom you can be.
But realize this, a loving connection that has stirred your spiritual awakening, and helped your vital energy rise to the higher chakras until it unites you with all that there is, is not a regular connection that you can pause just by falling in love with someone else. It is not meant to torture you. It wants to wake you up to a higher plane of existence. And your separation from the person that created the feeling is intended to force you to allow this sexual energy to go upward so that you can meet what we call divine love. Unless you choose to replace the person with another lover and continue to consume your energy to the lower energy centers. Which is not wrong, it is a choice. But perhaps attracting your twin in this lifetime means that you have already had enough of this, and now it’s time to elevate your consciousness and live life still in duality, but without the duality mindset anymore.
The good news is the more you heal, the less you will feel the need to control your relationship. When you merge with universal consciousness and find your true essence, you will feel less inclined to force a 3D connection with them. Therefore, you will feel them even more for sure, but their invisible presence will not hurt anymore. It will beautifully integrate into your everyday reality, and it will be a purely loving energy that will keep you strong.
When you allow the miracles to unfold and change you for the better, you will understand that everything is as it should be. It is our pressure to shape this connection as we want it, based on what we already know, that creates the pain. Allow magic to happen. We have already experienced enough pain in our relationships. Now it’s time to let it go.