The twin flame union on a physical level depends on two factors.
- Your soul timeline and what you signed up for, along with your Twin flame.
- Your ascension and inner work. This is completely dependent on how well you worked on yourself, what free will choices you made when it comes to this journey, and your life challenges.
However, when we say “ending up together” — most are anticipating this union as a conventional romantic relationship. Twin flame union is way more than that. It is not about “ending up together” under one roof.
Twin Flame Union is about awakening and purpose. Union first happens on non-physical levels apart before the physical union (Spiritual, Energetic, Emotional, and Mental).
Many twin flames (who take this path seriously and have worked on themselves) currently are in a union is either or all these aspects of the non-physical union.
Till you are anticipating this journey only as a “physical-tangible and as a conventional relationship” – you are missing the huge aspects of the twin flame dynamic.