Meeting our twin flames is indeed very rare and difficult. Many do not believe in this phenomena until it happens to them. There are many doubts in this relationship. Many are confused with it.
If you have met yours, remember to work on your mirror work during the separation. Because that is the only way for you to get into your higherselves. Once you are evolved and get into the 5D consciousness, there is nothing that you are afraid of not even separation. No one can affect your decisions. However, the union needs both counterparts to resonate with each other. Still, for example, if you think the unawakened twin is so hesitant and doubtful on the journey, and the union seems impossible, what should you do?
First, know that your twin flame is never in doubt. As a human, they are simply responding to the energies within the connection.
So, how to notice the spiritual change in your twin flame’s behavior?
Here are the signs that your twin flame is spiritually awakened and ready to commit.
You are working on your lifepath.
You heal beautifully.
You feel blissful.
Despite the confusions, you trust the journey and your twin flame very much.
You are ascended.
You go into multiple spiritual awakenings.
You have changed.
There is Telepathic communication between you.
You Feel loved.
In brief, want your Twin to pay attention to you? You must pay attention to you. Honour what you feel while you are feeling it. Be in your truth. Surrender to love.
Being a Twin Flame is about coming into alignment, or Union, with the most authentic version of yourself. To live in your truth. The more you, as the awakened Twin, align with your soul, the more this will be mirrored back to you by what your Twin does.