What motivates you to not contact your Twin Flame and continue with the separation?

When you’re feeling down & missing your twin flame during separation, what motivates you to not contact them and continue with the separation?
It highly depends upon which mindset the person has, the runner mindset or the chaser mindset.

1. If you are a Chaser

When the chaser is missing their twin flame and feeling down, they would most probably refrain from contacting their twin because:

Their twin flame does not like them to make contact.

Fear of rejection, hurt, fights, or unwanted events.

The Ego. You will think: why should I always initiate contact?
If the chaser has come a long way in the journey, and learned their lessons, the reasons for not contacting their twin flame will change:

They will give their twin flame their space and let them be.

They will not find the need to contact them. They are in a state of balance where they think of their twin but do not long for the contact. 3. They are happy and believe in the union.

2. If you are a runner:

The reason for not contacting their twin flame despite missing them could be:

They think they are invading their twin flame’s ‘happy’ life.

They do not want to be the reason to break a marriage.

They feel they are not worth their twin flame.

They feel it is too good to be true. How can someone love them so much? There is a fear of losing their flame.

They are in a karmic commitment and feel guilty, and get confused about their feelings.

They have not come to the level of acceptance that they can feel intense love for someone who is – married, older or younger than them. They have different religion. They have better social status. They are not their type. Or there is a cultural difference.

The connection is so overwhelming that they can not handle the intensity, they fear getting vulnerable or out of control of their own emotions so they stay away.

They do not want to get into longing, craving feelings, as then it becomes difficult to live their own life in a normal way. So, they think it is better to stay away.

The Ego, past hurts, past relationships, or anger. This makes them play things safe.

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